(REVIEW) Yishai Sarid’s novel “The Third Temple” was prescient when it debuted in Israel in 2015. Nearly 10 years later, Yardenne Greenspan’s English translation warns of the danger of the right-wing messianic movement and its ambition redraw the map of Israel and resume the biblical rhythms of life in the land.
Read MoreMuch of France is focused on the trial of eight people stemming from the 2020 beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty by Abdoullah Anzorov, an 18-year-old Muslim immigrant from Chechnya. Anzorov is not on trial since he was shot dead by police after his butchery. The focus now is on those who encouraged and enabled him. This raises difficult questions about legal limits on speech, especially where religion is concerned.
Read MoreThe autopsy reports reveal that each of the deceased sustained multiple gunshot wounds from behind. This pattern of injury indicates that the young men were either fleeing or not directly engaging at the time they were fatally shot.
Read MoreA native of the Dallas area, Associate Pastor Scott Turner previously played football and ran track at the University of Illinois. He was drafted as a cornerback by the Washington Redskins in 1995 to begin an eight-year NFL career that included stops with the San Diego Chargers and Denver Broncos. He continues to serve as a senior advisor to the NFL’s executive vice president of Football Operations.
Read MoreRussian authorities have arrested a pastor for preaching that Christians should not fight in the invasion against Ukraine “on the basis of Holy Scripture,” according to a recent report from a Norwegian human rights organization.
Read MoreA former student who suffered severe injuries at Asbury University in Kentucky last year has filed a lawsuit for negligence, breach of contract and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Isabella Willingham was found unconscious in her room in November 2023 with cuts, bruises and other injuries.
Read More(TRAVEL) Barring some extraordinary archeological findings (I'm not ruling that out), we will never know for sure. But the Bible and Judea provide some clues. Today's visitors to Israel have the chance to learn more about the Bible-wine connection through the new “Wines of the Bible Route.” The route journeys through Judea and traces the viticultural history of the area. Judea lies between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and includes two wine regions.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Whatever their partisan preferences, Americans can agree that the coming four years under President Donald Trump will bring major disruptions and contentions in politics. How might that affect religion?
Read MoreThe mission didn’t go as planned. Twenty years ago, a team of Freed-Hardeman University graduates moved to the capital of this South American nation of 6.8 million people. Trained by Great Cities Missions, they followed a time-tested blueprint used by the 48-year-old ministry, which seeks to establish lighthouses — strong, thriving churches — in major cities across Latin America.
Read MoreDespite fears of persecution, the asylum claims of Iranian Christians have consistently been refused by Georgian authorities, a new report says. The claim, in a 24-page joint report by Article18, CSW, Open Doors and Middle East Concern, is based on interviews with the asylum-seekers and their lawyers. The report found that one-fifth of asylum-seekers in Georgia are Iranian, but few have gained entry.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The genre faces a demographic cliff. The market for faith-based films has always been driven by Christian moms. And as I wrote last year, with fewer women getting married and having kids (and single women increasingly leaving Christianity), that market is inevitably going to shrink. A big shift may actually save the long-term future of faith-based films: The rise of a more masculine American church.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Cornelius Van Til was a distinguished theologian who left liberal Princeton Seminary in 1929 to join the faculty of newly-formed Westminster Theological Seminary, where he taught for the next half-century. We are approaching the golden anniversary of what to me is his most readable book, “Christian Apologetics.” My Christmas present to readers is a quick look at it and six other Van Til books all published by P&R.
Read MorePolitics is the topic Americans are least interested in hearing ministers address and is among the top three topics pastors feel least equipped to handle, Barna and Gloo found in a study conducted in advance of the contentious 2024 U.S. elections.
Read MoreMississippi College will become Mississippi Christian University, a statement from the school’s board of trustees announced. A “strategic realignment of athletics” announced by the Mississippi College board of trustees included the “discontinuation” of its football program. “Discontinuing our football program is a difficult decision,” said the school’s Athletic Director Kenny Bizot.
Read MoreA father is suing the prominent Texas megachurch First Baptist Church Dallas for allegedly mishandling his son’s sexual abuse in 2022. The father alleges in the lawsuit that his now 16-year-old son was sexually abused by an older student on a church youth mission trip in 2022. The family said church leaders bullied, shamed, and intimidated their son in response.
Read MoreGiving Tuesday that takes place this year on Dec. 2. Thanks to our NewsMatch campaign, we have the opportunity to make your donation go even further this holiday season. Through Dec. 31, our partnership with INN will match your monthly, tax-deductible donation 12 times or double your one-time gift — all up to $1,000.
Read More(ANALYSIS) It’s crucial for readers to understand that while Islamic radicals have killed Christian believers by the thousands, they also attack and murder Muslims who do not share their warped version of Islam. This includes persecuting Muslims who dare to assist organizations — such as the Red Cross — that seek peace in the midst of Nigeria’s ongoing civil strife.
Read MoreAnimals such as cows, sheep and goats play different roles in the traditional culture and religion of millions of South Africans. Nonetheless, there is growing controversy regarding how different faiths handle animal sacrifice.
Read More(EXPLAINER) Thanksgiving Day isn’t just about parades, crowded airports, football games and a turkey dinner. The U.S. holiday also has roots in the Christianity of 16th century Europe. The celebration has been linked to the Pilgrims of 1621 and the harvest festival since the late 19th century. As the name implies, the theme of the holiday revolves around giving thanks.
Read More(ANALYSIS) For decades, Catholics recited this prayer after Mass, a practice continued by some Catholics and opposed by others. Thus, former President Donald Trump triggered debates by posting this prayer on social-media platforms on Sept. 29, the Catholic feast day of the archangels, in the ledad-up to Election Day.
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