Posts tagged Christianity
Welcome Home: Pope Francis Returns To The Vatican

(ANALYSIS) Thirty-eight days have gone by since Feb. 14, when Pope Francis left the Vatican to be hospitalized at the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital. These weeks have been challenging for an 88-year-old patient battling bilateral pneumonia. Medical reports did not downplay the severity of his condition, the crises he endured, or the complexity of his clinical picture.

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A Product Of Discipleship: Church Baptizes 12 Members Of College Baseball Team

They lined up on March 2, ready to enter the baptistry at First Southern Baptist Church. College athletes, all of them. Emerging from the water symbolized a new start for them. The pastor’s name is Doyle Pryor. Imagine what a guy named Doyle Pryor would look, sound and be like. Odds are you imagine a preacher with a big personality and even bigger desire to do whatever it takes to reach others for Christ.

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Crossroads Podcast: Why Are (Fill In The Blank) Churches Shrinking?

When it comes to basic statistics, the 1960s and ‘70s were the high-water mark for liberal mainline Protestants. Pews were often full and strategic mergers — such as the process that eventually created the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 1983 — led to membership totals that inspired ecclesiastical bureaucrats to dream about bold “reforms” in the future (click for a timeline of LGBTQ+ activism in the Episcopal Church).

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🔥 After Monster Storm, The Story Can’t Be Told Without Recognizing Faith 🔌

When covering a tragedy, faith almost always emerges as a part of the story. That was the case again this past weekend when a monster storm system struck the Deep South and the Plains.

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Animated Easter Film ‘The King of Kings’ Makes Jesus Boring (Especially To Boys)

(REVIEW) There’s a kind of soothing boredom that settles in throughout the film. Everything about it is mild. The jokes are gentle. The characters’ anger restrained. The sadness subdued. The animation is beautiful, but unremarkable. The voice actors deliver their lines without much intensity. Because the emotional highs and lows are nonexistent, the experience is more like watching a screensaver.

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On Religion: When Clergy Offered Help With Smartphones (Part 1)

(ANALYSIS) The goal was to create local educational events about smartphones and digital technology that would let parents interact with representatives from Troomi and other major companies in the “minimalist” phone marketplace — such as Gabb, Bark, Pinwheel and The Light Phone. What happened next?

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Christian Ministry Heals Bodies — And Souls — In A Buddhist Nation

Cambodia Christian Ministries models the medical missions it hosts after Jesus’ example, Meierhofer said, referencing Matthew 4:23. About 93% of Cambodia’s 17 million people are Buddhist, making it essential that the Christian nonprofit work within government systems to spread the Gospel.

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Half Of US Churches Experiencing Post-Pandemic Attendance Growth

Half of U.S. Protestant pastors say their churches are growing but some warning signs remain about their congregational future. U.S. Protestant churches are almost evenly split between those that have grown within the past two years and those that are plateaued or declining, according to an Exponential study by Lifeway Research.

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How Violence Has Impacted Religious Gatherings In Nigeria

In recent years, Nigeria has seen a surge in kidnappings and violent attacks. Christians living in the country’s five southeast states of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo have said violence has affected their religious lives.

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Soul Food For The Word-Weary: Embarking On A Christian Pilgrimage Through Art

(OPINION) “Poor wordy little Protestants” — as someone once said — have severed this connection between the church and its visual soul food. Bereft of beauty, Protestant churches have left us to the narcotizing effect of TV and social media, and a daily diet of pap, propaganda and rage. Could new generations and populations be inspired again to aspire to the heights to which those early artists aspired? If so, we'll surely need to get out more.

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Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Back From The Abyss

(ANALYSIS) If the saga of SWBTS does indeed have a happy ending, or at least a thriving next chapter, a good bit of the credit can be attributed to one man: Dr. David Dockery.

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Praying For A Better Future In Syria — Without Jihadis

(ANALYSIS) In recent days, a horrifying surge of violence and bloodshed has swept across Syria, leaving a civilian death toll of nearly 1,400. Most of the victims were part of the Alawite sect, former Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s religious community. A number of Christians who live in close proximity to Alawite communities have also been killed.

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Reevaluating The Sexual Revolution: Louise Perry’s Guide To Modern Hookup Culture

(REVIEW) Encouraging women to feel disgust toward men’s sexuality also doesn’t seem like the best approach to restoring harmony between the sexes. Despite Perry’s focus on the harms of hookup culture, Gen Z is having less sex than previous generations. Culture critic Freya India points out that much of this is due to the constant fearmongering about sex and men from online influencers. The result of Perry’s book may not be healthier relationships, but fewer ones.

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‘Official’ List Of 100 ‘Must See’ Films For Catholics

(ANALYSIS) After two years of thinking and writing, Cameron DeLaFleu and Joe Wilson have posted their full, final version of “The Official List of 100 Movies Every Catholic Should See.” They never took a week off in this process. The goal was to put a spotlight on “films which truly reach for the Good, True, and Beautiful in their themes as well as in their technical artistic prowess.”

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Anger, Even Toward God, Can Be Good And Healthy — But Only To A Point

(OPINION) My counselor and I never did agree about whether I was mad at God, but our ongoing discussions forced me to ponder anger as a principle — anger toward the Lord, anger toward difficult circumstances and anger toward my fellow pilgrims. Here’s what I think today.

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Crossroads Podcast: Angry Questions About Christians Being Persecuted

During a typical week, readers (or podcast listeners) send me emails or messages through various social-media platforms. Often, these people are frustrated or even angry. Most folks are not upset with me. More often than not, they are ticked off about something they have seen — or failed to see — in mainstream press coverage of the news.

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‘The Last Supper’ Has Its Moments, But A Reminder Why Faith-Based Films Need Criticism

Over the years. as a film critic, I’ve sometimes been asked to change my reviews so that my criticism wouldn’t prevent people from seeing the movie and being impacted by its message. This question came to mind while watching the movie “The Last Supper” and reading the passion with which the filmmakers talked about making such a film. The filmmakers clearly had a lot of love for making it, but it is not a good film.

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