(REVIEW) Encouraging women to feel disgust toward men’s sexuality also doesn’t seem like the best approach to restoring harmony between the sexes. Despite Perry’s focus on the harms of hookup culture, Gen Z is having less sex than previous generations. Culture critic Freya India points out that much of this is due to the constant fearmongering about sex and men from online influencers. The result of Perry’s book may not be healthier relationships, but fewer ones.
Read More(REVIEW) Researcher and author Diana Darke argues that the connections between Islamic and Christian cultures during the medieval period were stronger than commonly believed. This cross-fertilization of cultures had an impact on society, religion and culture. Her extensive research, covering hundreds of buildings across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East led her to propose replacing the term “Romanesque” with “Islamesque.”
Read More(REVIEW) Author of “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism,” author Katherine Stewart picks up where that 2020 book left off in her new work “Money, Lies, and God: Inside the Movement to Destroy American Democracy.” In it, she surveys a horizon that has only grown darker. It is a landscape overshadowed by a well-organized, well-funded consortium of oligarchs and billionaires and others.
Read More(REVIEW) More progressive critics have said Hays doesn’t go far enough. Perhaps it’s not so much that God’s mind has changed on homosexuality or slavery, but God was always pro-LGBTQ and against slavery. The early Christians weren’t ready for the concept of individual human rights. Instead, one could say God was so merciful and patient, he allowed the human church to catch up with God’s gracious understanding of such issues.
Read More(REVIEW) In “The Spirit of Justice: True Stories of Faith, Race, and Resistance,” Jamar Tisby provides a survey of leaders whose devotion to racial justice resulted from their belief in God and commitment to God’s work in the world. In time for Black History Month, the church has been given a resource that explores people of faith and their work in racial justice. Christians of all races and ethnicities can benefit from knowing those who made a connection between their faith and justice and acted accordingly.
Read More(REVIEW) In “Immigration and Apocalypse: How the Book of Revelation Shaped American Immigration,” Yii Jan Lin narrates how some Americans have used the apocalyptic vision from the Book of Revelation to idealize the United States as a new holy land, while simultaneously marginalizing immigrants. The U.S. is portrayed as the New Jerusalem, with immigrants viewed as outsiders exhibiting unethical behaviors.
Read MoreWhen the 18th century church planter and evangelist George Liele was imprisoned in Jamaica, he spread the Gospel in prison, reminiscent of the apostle Paul. Liele is among historical African American Christians author Trillia Newbell invites families to center dinner table devotions around in her book, “Celebrating Around the Table: Learning the Stories of Black Christians Through Readings, Fellowship, Food and Faith.”
Read More(REVIEW) Pastor Tyler Staton’s new book makes a compelling case for placing the Holy Spirit at the center of Christian life. Unfortunately, much of what it says also validates the fears of those skeptical about Spirit-filled theology. In times of perceived decline, people search for answers on how to reverse it. Many in the church and the Western world view Christianity and Western civilization as being in cultural retreat. One of the proposed solutions is "re-enchantment.”
Read MoreIn Israel after the 1967 War, Tamar’s sister-in-law, Hadas, is killed in a terror attack. In reality, Hadas was dating a Palestinian man, Daoud — a taboo in wartime Israel — and her death was a crime of passion. In the book, only Tamar knows the truth, and she keeps it a secret. Tamar immigrates to the U.S. with her husband and kids. When Tamar’s teenage daughter falls in love with the son of a Palestinian family, Tamar fears that history will repeat.
Read MoreThe book, six years in the making, vividly recreates Pope Francis’ childhood in Buenos Aires and offers few new insights into his papacy. The book is enhanced by remarkable photographs, including private and unpublished material made personally available by Francis himself. He tackles a series of topics, including the future of the church, social policy, migration and the environmental crisis.
Read More(REVIEW) Compelling and comprehensive, this book may nonetheless be an uphill climb for lay readers with little more than a basic Sunday school education. Helpful maps, a glossary and a timeline offer context and reorienting for those who may get lost in the thickets of such esoterica as apocalyptic hypostasis. None of this should dissuade the curious who want a deeper understanding of Christianity’s complex, layered early history.
Read MoreChurchgoers may hear the Bible preached every Sunday — but their pastors also want them to engage with Scripture during the week. Almost all U.S. Protestant pastors say they encourage those in their church to read the Bible on their own using at least one of seven methods, according to a Lifeway Research study. On average, pastors say they use around five ways of encouragement. Less than 1% say they don’t use any or are unsure.
Read MoreA rise in Bible sales coincides with reports by Lifeway Christian Resources and reflects a growing desire to learn more about God’s Word, say Bible study leaders and those in the industry. “It’s an interesting time,” said Andy McLean, publisher of Bibles and Reference for Lifeway. “We’ve seen a general increase in the last two or three years with the Bible market. There are a lot of unique types of Bibles.”
Read More(REVIEW) Yishai Sarid’s novel “The Third Temple” was prescient when it debuted in Israel in 2015. Nearly 10 years later, Yardenne Greenspan’s English translation warns of the danger of the right-wing messianic movement and its ambition redraw the map of Israel and resume the biblical rhythms of life in the land.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Cornelius Van Til was a distinguished theologian who left liberal Princeton Seminary in 1929 to join the faculty of newly-formed Westminster Theological Seminary, where he taught for the next half-century. We are approaching the golden anniversary of what to me is his most readable book, “Christian Apologetics.” My Christmas present to readers is a quick look at it and six other Van Til books all published by P&R.
Read More(ANALYSIS) As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Thomas Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this medieval saint is “still worth” reading today, nearly 800 years after his birth. Aquinas is a giant of Western philosophy and theology. As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this saint is “still worth” reading today.
Read More(REVIEW) “We Who Wrestle with God” is a solid compilation of Peterson’s views on the continuity between biblical testimony and the human condition. If he’d been more disciplined with his prose, the good in his work would have been more readable. And if he’d taken more seriously wrestling with the text itself, there would have been a lot more good to read.
Read More(REVIEW) In 2018, Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appeared on the East African nation’s political scene almost from nowhere. Claiming to be responding to an assignment by God, the young Pentecostal Christian promised democratic salvation and national unity to a hopelessly divided nation.
Read MoreMany books now tell us what to eat or when not to eat, how to observe “sacred times” or generate mystical experiences, but in Christ we sever both our bondage to the world and our tendency to think that a guru’s orders will save us. Ruben Rosario Rodriguez’s “Calvin for the World” takes readers on an unusual look at John Calvin as “a humanistic reformer whose ecclesiastical and civil polity wanted ‘every resident of Geneva integrated into a caring community,’”
Read MoreThe late Warren Wiersbe, a prolific author of more than 170 books, never seemed keen on writing with his grandson Dan Jacobsen. Following Wiersbe’s death in May 2019, the family discovered a dusty manila file folder among the thousands of files Wiersbe left behind. In it was a manuscript, 80 percent complete, perhaps begun in 2012 when Wiersbe was in his early 80s.
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