Posts tagged South America
Cómo Se Prepara La Comunidad Sufí En Chile Para El Ramadán

A medida que se acerca el Ramadán, una comunidad sufí en Chile enfrenta los desafíos de prepararse para el ayuno en un país no musulmán. Chile, de mayoría católica, sabe poco sobre el Ramadán, el mes sagrado en el calendario lunar islámico en el que los musulmanes ayunan desde antes del amanecer hasta la puesta del sol. También se abstienen de relaciones sexuales durante el ayuno y evitan maldecir, pelear o discutir.

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How The Sufi Community In Chile Prepares For Ramadan

As Ramadan approaches, a Sufi community in Chile is grappling with the challenges of preparing for fasting in a non-Muslim country. Catholic-majority Chile knows little about Ramadan, the holy month in the Islamic lunar calendar in which Muslims fast just before sunrise until the setting of the sun. They also abstain from sexual relations during the fast and avoid cursing, fighting or arguing.  

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US Has Low Levels Of ‘Religious Nationalism,’ But Its Impact Stands Out

The United States has a “relatively low level of religious nationalism” compared to other countries, but its impact on politics and society is particularly notable among high-income nations. The Pew Research Study released on Tuesday examined the role of religion worldwide by surveying people across 36 countries.

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Trump’s Refugees Order Could Impact Persecuted Christians

President Donald Trump has halted for at least 90 days a refugee admissions program that resettled 100,000 individuals fleeing persecution in fiscal year 2024, including nearly 30,000 Christians. By an executive order Monday, Trump suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program “until such time as the further entry into the United States of refugees aligns with the interests” of the nation.

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El Nuevo Museo De Inmigrantes De Chile Se Encuentra Entre Iglesias Y Cementerios Del Siglo XIX

Un nuevo museo de inmigrantes, cerca de las iglesias anglicanas y luteranas del siglo XIX y los cementerios católicos y protestantes, planea convertirse en el centro de la vida cultural de la atracción más visitada de Valparaíso, el Cerro Concepción. La antigua Escuela Alemana de Valparaíso está siendo renovada para convertirse en el Museo del Inmigrante.

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Chile’s New Immigrant Museum Stands Amid Churches And Cemeteries

A new immigrant museum near the 19th-century Anglican and Lutheran churches and Catholic and Protestant cemeteries plans to become the center of cultural life on Valparaíso’s most visited attraction, Cerro Concepción. The former German School of Valparaíso is undergoing a renovation to become the Museo del Inmigrante.

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5 Religion News Trends To Watch For In 2025

It may be the start of a new year, but many of the same issues and concerns will dominate the news cycle in 2025. From Pope Francis’ health from the erosion of religious freedom in many parts of the globe to the moral implications that come with the widespread use of AI, here’s what to watch for in the new year.  

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A Mission Team Came To Paraguay With Big Dreams, But God’s Plans Were Bigger

The mission didn’t go as planned. Twenty years ago, a team of Freed-Hardeman University graduates moved to the capital of this South American nation of 6.8 million people. Trained by Great Cities Missions, they followed a time-tested blueprint used by the 48-year-old ministry, which seeks to establish lighthouses — strong, thriving churches — in major cities across Latin America.

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Missionary Explorers Search For Isolated People In The Amazon

“Our small Cessna bobbled lower and lower until its wheels made contact with the gravel runway, slicing through its many puddles,” Devon Faulkner wrote in a blog entry. After deplaning, Faulkner and his partner walked off the landing strip and into the jungle. Faulkner serves as a Project 3000 missionary explorer with the International Mission Board.

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‘Dignity Of Marginalized Groups’: Dr. Nina Balmaceda’s Faith-Based Peace Solutions

Dr. Nina Balmaceda recently finished a project focused on uncovering the story of Peace and Hope International over its first 25 years, emphasizing the spiritual dimensions of social and political renewal in Latin America. Her research has focused on the organization's spiritual understanding of love — deeply rooted in its Christian tradition — through political and social responsibility.

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Global Missionary Partners Advance Gospel In Colombia

Laura Martinez’s letter to her supporters in Mexico is reminiscent of New Testament letters. Recently, she wrote about adapting quickly to the culture, climate, geography and gastronomy of Colombia. She enumerated the differences in seasons and interpretations of certain Spanish words, and she was pleasantly surprised the quality of water in Colombia is higher than where she’s from in Mexico.

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Pope Basher Javier Milei Elected Argentina’s New President

Libertarian economist and former soccer player Javier Milei was elected Argentina's president, a result that in many ways can be seen as a referendum on Pope Francis’ social agenda in his home nation.

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Argentina’s abortion fight exposes Pope Francis’ foreign policy weaknesses

(OPINION) Argentina is a case study of the dwindling influence this pope has — even in his home country — when it comes to trying to influence the outcome of an issue that the Catholic church has seen as important for decades.

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Prayers for Venezuela: Faith and famine in the ongoing economic crisis

Every day, state control intensifies at every level. All forms of demonstrations are prohibited. Cities across Venezuela have become militarized zones littered with heavily-armed soldiers and tanks. My friends, who are also journalists, have been fired from reporting the truth.

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