Posts tagged journalism
On Religion: Martin Marty Was The Original ‘Faith Influencer’

(OPINION) Marty died on Feb. 25 at the age of 97, a quarter of a century after retiring from teaching at the University of Chicago Divinity School. The research center he launched in 1979 was then rebranded as the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion. He received numerous other awards, including more than 80 honorary degrees.

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In This Age Of Madness, Here Are Sane Ways To Re-Engage With The News

(OPINION) For several years now, it’s felt like the whole world has gone mad. Trying to keep track of, much less digest, the daily flood of outrageous news stories and hair-on-fire op-ed pieces curdles my mind, steals my joy and leaves me staring gape-mouthed into a tsunami of chaos. But I happened across two articles that helped me rethink my news avoidance.

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Crossroads Podcast: Why Many In The Press Struggled To ‘Get’ Promise Keepers

(ANALYSIS) The date was October 4, 1997, and the MSNBC producers on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., had a problem. Actually, they had several problems. The main problem was that the million or so Promise Keepers men (D.C. crowd estimates were already a highly politicized affair) gathered for the Stand in the Gap rally keep singing, praying, reading their Bibles, listening to sermons and confessing their sins.

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Zuckerberg’s Meta Updates Don’t Change Christians’ Role In Promoting Truth

Depending on the source, Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Meta platforms will jettison fact-checking protocols in favor of community notes is either a threat to democracy or a return to the spirit of free speech from when he co-founded Facebook in 2004.

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Crossroads Podcast: Were There Any Actual Religion-News Stories In 2024?

(ANALYSIS) Almost two decades ago, the reigning editor of The New York Times admitted, during a speech to the National College Media Association, that the world’s most influential journalism cathedral had changed one of its core doctrines. 

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Help Support Our Journalism: Your Donation Now Tripled Through Dec. 31

This is a big time of year at Religion Unplugged. Nov. 1 marked the official launch of the annual NewsMatch campaign — one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. It’s now gotten even bigger thanks to The Media Project’s support.

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How You Can Support Our Journalism On #GivingTuesday

Giving Tuesday that takes place this year on Dec. 2. Thanks to our NewsMatch campaign, we have the opportunity to make your donation go even further this holiday season. Through Dec. 31, our partnership with INN will match your monthly, tax-deductible donation 12 times or double your one-time gift — all up to $1,000.

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Crossroads Podcast: The Struggle To Cover The Sins Of Powerful Clergy

The scandals surrounding the life and work of the former (and now disgraced) cardinal Theodore McCarrick rumbled in the background of Roman Catholic life for decades — starting in the early 1980s. Insiders whispered, but nothing was done.

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‘Catholic Tribune’ Newspapers Linked To Misinformation Network

One by one, Catholic dioceses in key presidential swing states are putting out unusual statements: Newspapers whose titles include the word Catholic that are showing up in people’s mailboxes aren’t what they seem and aren’t connected to the church. With a classic typeface and traditional newspaper design, the mass-mailed Catholic Tribune newspapers carry signposts of legitimacy.

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Pope Francis, A Soccer Player In His Youth, Recalls The Power Of Sports: ‘The Hymn To Life’

The pontiff reflected on his own memories of playing soccer as a child in Argentina. Francis also described sports as an experience of the “sense of fraternity,” because friends would play “knowing only opponents on the field, never enemies.” Sports offer lessons in life, he added, as players learn from the highs of winning, the effort it takes to win, and the loss of defeat.

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Concerning Another Hurricane Of Media-Bias Chatter

(ANALYSIS) One of the realities of being a journalist of a “certain age” is constantly hearing people ask, in digital and analog contacts, questions that sound like this: “What do you think of (insert a trend in the modern world or a specific event in news or entertainment)?”

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Could These Schemes Save The American Newspaper Industry?

(ANALYSIS) A thumbsucker on the news business could review all those disheartening statistics about dying dailies and weeklies, declining ad and circulation income and shrinking newsroom staffs — all of which have escalated since the 21st century dawned.

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Crossroads Podcast: Yes, People Of Faith Make Real News After Disasters

Several decades ago, talented news-feature writers began using an interesting writing technique to offer readers doors into complex, often overwhelming stories. The theory went something like this: Don’t tell me a story about 100,000 people — tell me a story about one person who represents those 100,000 people. 

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How ‘Vatican Watchers’ Report On The Papacy To Catholics Around The World

Among the parade of priests and nuns who stroll in and around Vatican City, there is a special breed of journalist who is tasked with explaining the pope and the Roman curia to the world. These people are known as Vatican watchers — a “Vaticanista” in Italian — and they've been around since the 1960s. Even in the digital age, these journalists have become essential to understanding the church.

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