Posts tagged Quran
Nonprofits Taking Steps To Build Trust With Muslim Donors During Ramadan

(ANALYSIS) As Muslims fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan, an important aspect of their faith is their role as stewards of God on Earth. One way Muslims do this is through the practice of Zakat, an obligatory kind of charity that’s one of the five pillars of Islam.

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Uniting Faith and Compassion: Kashmir’s Inspiring Battle Against Drug Addiction

Recognizing the power of spiritual guidance, religious leaders in Kashmir are playing a pivotal role in the fight against drug addiction. They advocate for the establishment of local committees tasked with monitoring substance abuse in residential and business areas. They say that these committees comprised of community members can serve as guardians against the spread of addiction.

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Did Siri Go to Sunday School? An Interview with Apple’s AI

Artificial Intelligence programs such as ChatGPT continue to become more popular and accessible. With many questioning the future of AI and its implications, we asked Apple’s Siri a series of questions about different religious faiths.

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New Probe Of Origins Of Islam's Quran Resembles 200 Years Of New Testament Conflict

(OPINION) “Creating the Quran” will certainly offend believers in the orthodox view that between 610 and his death in 632, Muhammad, guided by the angel Gabriel, received God’s verbatim words, memorized them, dictated them to scribes and confirmed the entirety of the Quran’s revelations as they exist today.

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Why Bibles Are Disappearing From Hotel Nightstands

(TRAVEL) Bibles used to be ubiquitous in hotel rooms. But a 2017 survey by STR revealed that 79% of hotels had religious materials in their rooms, down from 95% of hotels in 2006. Indeed, as America becomes more secular and Wi-Fi more common, the need for a physical Bible inside your nightstand drawer has grown more obsolete.

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Afghan Christians Are Facing a Taliban Reign of Terror 

(OPINION) As this story unfolds, many of us are experiencing something like déjà vu. In the summer of 2014 we watched as Islamic State/ISIS rampaged across Iraq and committed genocide against Christian and Yazidi communities. Although ISIS and the Taliban have fought each other, they practice the same deadly tactics.

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How Ramadan got its name: 6 questions answered

Ramadan, which spans the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a full month of religious fasting. The associate professor of religious studies and director of the Muslim Studies Program at Michigan State University answers six questions about its importance.

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Congress Probes Chinese Catholic Bishop's Assumed Death, Religious Freedom in China

The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, a bipartisan Congressional caucus, held a panel on July 30 to discuss the imprisonment, torture and believed death of Catholic Bishop James Su Zhimin. Su’s treatment by the Chinese Communist Party is representative of other violations of religious freedom in the country, and panelists believe it is time for the Holy See to cut ties with the country.

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A pandemic book list for readers interested in religion

(OPINION) Go with heavy material. Certain translations of holy books offer valuable insights into our world and this era. Thomas Paine’s skewering of biblical religion is a worthy read, along with classics like “Lord of the Flies.”

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Pakistani minorities are fighting religious discrimination in schools

Under Prime Minister Imran Khan, the Pakistani government aims to improve standards of education for even the most marginalized. It remains to be seen whether religious discrimination against Christian and Hindu students in the Islamic country will decrease.

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