American churches are finding new ways to adapt and rebuild after facing crises like political polarization, the pandemic and even natural disasters. While some congregations struggle to stay afloat, others are embracing diversity, tough conversations and community engagement in an effort to become more resilient in the age of Trump.
Read More(ANALYSIS) As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Thomas Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this medieval saint is “still worth” reading today, nearly 800 years after his birth. Aquinas is a giant of Western philosophy and theology. As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this saint is “still worth” reading today.
Read MoreAddressing the Synod Assembly on Saturday evening, Pope Francis highlighted how the Final Document, written over the course of the 2nd Session of the Synod on Synodality that began on Oct. 2 following a process of listening and dialogue, is the fruit of over three years of listening to the People of God.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Before this month’s synod at the Vatican, Pope Francis took the question of allowing women deacons off the agenda, referring this and other hot-button issues to study groups. That distressed many Catholic activists. Leaving aside this matter of ordained ministry, sisters in religious orders and lay women could fill many influential church posts monopolized by male priests.
Read MoreThe Vatican’s doctrinal summit opened this week with one issue deemed to be out of bounds: female deacons. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernandez, the Vatican’s prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, said that the church was not “rushing” on the issue.
Read More(ANALYSIS) After decades of progressive dissent, the leaders of the Christian Reformed Church in America finally took a firm stand against the Sexual Revolution. Not only did the 2022 CRC Synod, voting 123-53, condemn “adultery, premarital sex, extra-marital sex, polyamory, pornography and homosexual sex,” it added the small, but influential, denomination's long-standing teachings on these moral issues to its declaration of faith.
Read MoreLet’s say that you know a teacher at a Catholic school that, when accepting this job, this person signed a contract in which he agreed to defend the doctrines detailed in the Catholic Catechism or, at the very least, not to oppose them in public. After several years of work, this teacher decided that gender is a social construct and that she was a woman trapped in a man’s body and began to transition into life as a woman. The school then declined to renew the teacher’s contract. Was that teacher canceled?
Read MoreThe Vatican on Friday excommunicated the outspoken Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, its former ambassador to Washington, finding him guilty of promoting schism after repeatedly questioning Pope Francis’ authority. The Italian prelate had in recent years become one of Francis’ harshest critics.
Read More(ANALYSIS) This bitter divide resurfaced during the May 11 Benedictine College commencement speech by Harrison Butker, a three-time Super Bowl champion from the nearby Kansas City Chiefs. While remarks about women and family life dominated headlines, most of the placekicker's 20-minute address focused on divisions inside Catholicism.
Read MoreThis was a very busy year on the Catholic beat. A decade after Pope Francis replaced the then-retiring Benedict XVI, the consistently progressive pontiff has very much been the focal point of plenty of news coverage in 2023. Expect more of the same in 2024.
Read MoreCatholics around the world continued to debate the decision by Pope Francis to allow priests to bless same-sex couples. Many rejoiced in seeing the headlines about the decision, while others across the doctrinal spectrum argued it could sow confusion and exacerbate tensions further between progressives and conservatives.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Catholics are living in a post-Synod on Synodality church where the debates from the month-long meeting that took place at the Vatican last month continue to reverberate, even with the efforts by Pope Francis to put a lid on news coverage of the discussions and speeches that took place during that event. Europe, in particular, has been the epicenter of the action since that meeting of bishops wrapped up on Oct. 29.
Read More(OPINION) While expressing hope for future Synod on Synodality developments, a German bishop has officially asked his clergy to start performing rites blessing Catholics in same-sex relationships.
Read MoreThe Vatican’s meeting of bishops — the second phase of a multi-year effort that began in 2021 known as the Synod on Synodality — concluded amid a growing debate regarding a number of key issues. The meetings this month centered around the future of the Catholic church and has put progressives and conservatives at odds when it comes to doctrinal issues.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The Vatican's release of "dubia" documents underlined the importance of the historic global synod, which will address issues in church life including the ordination of women, the status of LGBTQ+ believers, clerical celibacy and changes for divorced Catholics seeking Holy Communion.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Another week and yet another headline about Pope Francis feuding with a doctrinally conservative American prelate. It’s become an all-too-common story and one that the legacy media often can’t resist.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The pope’s recent appointment of Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernandez as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has been a very big story this month. The appointment could influence the future direction of the church and Pope Francis’ legacy. This pontiff very much wants to leave a lasting impression on the global church, in part acting through the upcoming synod, and Fernandez could help shape it.
Read More(Opinion) The Babylon Bee sat down with Elon Musk to talk about topics including why entrepreneurs are fleeing California, sustainable energy, superheroes, the physics of reusable rockets, cyborgs, how wokeness threatens humor and the future of a planet near an expanding sun. The podcast concluded with Elon Musk talking about his faith.
Read More(OPINION) Queen Elizabeth’s recent message to the Church of England’s General Synod — in her first absence from the gathering — was strong and personal. She was most concerned with matters of doctrine and spiritual life — not the church’s role in politics and various cultural disputes.
Read More(OPINION) In “The Most Reluctant Convert,” the famous Christian writer C.S. Lewis first explains how he became an atheist after the shallow Christianity of his childhood. But later in life, the move back to Christianity was aided by a circle of Oxford friends, including the famous scholar and novelist J.R.R. Tolkien.
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