Posts tagged Ramadan
Nonprofits Taking Steps To Build Trust With Muslim Donors During Ramadan

(ANALYSIS) As Muslims fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan, an important aspect of their faith is their role as stewards of God on Earth. One way Muslims do this is through the practice of Zakat, an obligatory kind of charity that’s one of the five pillars of Islam.

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‘Islamesque’: The Story Of The Forgotten Craftsmen Who Built Europe’s Religious Monuments

(REVIEW) Researcher and author Diana Darke argues that the connections between Islamic and Christian cultures during the medieval period were stronger than commonly believed. This cross-fertilization of cultures had an impact on society, religion and culture. Her extensive research, covering hundreds of buildings across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East led her to propose replacing the term “Romanesque” with “Islamesque.”

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Syrian Shia Refugees In Lebanon Battle Mounting Hardships

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has reported that several regions in Syria have witnessed an escalating wave of targeted killings and individual acts of retribution. The organization noted that direct executions are being carried out through various methods, from field executions to surprise assassinations by unidentified gunmen. 

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Cómo Se Prepara La Comunidad Sufí En Chile Para El Ramadán

A medida que se acerca el Ramadán, una comunidad sufí en Chile enfrenta los desafíos de prepararse para el ayuno en un país no musulmán. Chile, de mayoría católica, sabe poco sobre el Ramadán, el mes sagrado en el calendario lunar islámico en el que los musulmanes ayunan desde antes del amanecer hasta la puesta del sol. También se abstienen de relaciones sexuales durante el ayuno y evitan maldecir, pelear o discutir.

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The Timeless Resistance Of Kabir: A Cultural Movement For Unity And Justice

Kabir’s ability to transcend religious and social boundaries is why his poetry continues to resonate today, even 500 years after his death. According to legend, when Kabir died, both Hindus and Muslims fought over his body, each wanting to claim it according to their respective religious customs. When the shroud covering his body was removed, however, only flowers were found beneath, symbolizing the unity that Kabir’s teachings continue to inspire.

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How The Sufi Community In Chile Prepares For Ramadan

As Ramadan approaches, a Sufi community in Chile is grappling with the challenges of preparing for fasting in a non-Muslim country. Catholic-majority Chile knows little about Ramadan, the holy month in the Islamic lunar calendar in which Muslims fast just before sunrise until the setting of the sun. They also abstain from sexual relations during the fast and avoid cursing, fighting or arguing.  

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Kashmir’s Quiet Resilience And Spirituality Amid Conflict

As Ramadan approaches, the prayers of Kashmir’s people resonate more deeply than ever. They pray for peace, not just for themselves, but for a future where their children can live without fear. These prayers are imbued with the hope that one day, the beauty of their homeland will no longer be overshadowed by its pain. Until that day comes, their faith remains a beacon of hope in a land of unyielding beauty and resilience, a testament to the enduring spirit of a people determined to find peace amid the chaos.

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Photo Essay: Journey Into The Spirituality Of Indonesia’s Bonokeling Community

(PHOTO ESSAY) The community walks as part of a procession connected to the Perlon Unggahan traditional ceremony of welcoming the holy month of Ramadan in Banyumas in Central Java. This ritual — carried out to remember and pray for their ancestors — typically includes hundreds of people from different villages who travel to the Bonokeling cemetery complex.

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New Study Shows That Most US Muslims Give To Charities During Ramadan

(ANALYSIS) Nearly 70% of Muslim Americans say they always give zakat, a yearly donation of 2.5% of one’s wealth that Islam encourages, during Ramadan according to a new study I worked on. Our Muslim Philanthropy Initiative research team at Indiana University surveyed 1,136 Muslims across the country in 2023 to assess the connection between Ramadan and zakat. We also looked into demographic differences in Muslim giving tied to Ramadan.

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How Soccer Reveals Different Meanings Of ‘Secular’ In France And The US

(ANALYSIS) Because of concerns to preserve the country's cramped view of "secularism," French authorities are denying Muslim soccer players accommodation for their religiously required Ramadan fasting. This reveals very different understandings of what is meant by the term "secular" and thereby the very meaning of the now much debated "secular state.”

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Photo Essay: India’s Muslims Gather In The Thousands To Break Daily Ramadan Fast

As the evening sun casts down its warm glow over the city of New Delhi, the steps of Jama Masjid become a hive of activity during the month of Ramadan. A diverse crowd gathers within its sacred walls, numbering in the thousands. They come bearing dishes from their homes and nearby markets, preparing for the evening meal also known as Iftar to break their fasts.

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College Basketball Players Navigate Ramadan Fasting On Road To The Final Four

The University of Connecticut’s basketball team won the men’s NCAA title last year. A year later, the Huskies are again hungry for a championship. The team reached the Final Four with three practicing Muslims who have had to deal with more than just scoring points over the last few weeks. The trio join a growing group of practicing Muslims who are balancing basketball and fasting this spring.

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Majority Of Americans Say Jews And Muslims Face Rising Discrimination

Many Americans particularly sense that discrimination against Muslims and Jews has risen since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. The vast majority of U.S. Muslims and Jews agree: 7 in 10 Muslims and 9 in 10 Jews surveyed said they have felt an increase in discrimination against their respective groups since the war began last October.

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Planned Monument To Muslim British Soldiers Ignites Wider Political Debate

A new monument will recognize the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who fought for Britain under the Commonwealth banner. The British government announced that $1.2 million would be allocated to erecting the monument. Of course, the plan has come under fire politically from both the left and the right.

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Israel’s Purim Festivals Feature Glee And Despair Amid Ongoing War

The Purim festivities in Israel this year were tinged with a schizophrenic twinning of glee and despair. Adding to the dismal mood was intermittent rain and a drizzle of rockets from Lebanon. Many celebrants experienced cognitive dissonance in marking the foiling of a genocidal plan in ancient Persia while a bloody war is raging today in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

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Not So Fast: Some Muslim Soccer Players Dealing With ‘Ramadan Bans’

Muslim athletes face a unique challenge when Ramadan coincides with their training and competition schedules. Throughout the month-long period, practicing Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from both food and drink. For athletes, this can be particularly demanding as they need to maintain their energy and performance levels.

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Pro-Israel PAC To Increase Pressure On GOP To Pass Aid Bill

AIPAC lobbyists are headed to Capitol Hill this week to increase pressure on Congress to pass a bipartisan Israel aid bill. House Speaker Mike Johnson has so far resisted bringing a $95 billion foreign aid bill to a floor vote. That bill, approved by the Senate last month, would support Ukraine in its efforts to repel Russia’s invasion, and send $14.1 billion to Israel, which is fighting against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah on its northern border.

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Kicking Down Barriers: Coach Champions Women’s Soccer Players in Kashmir

On a hazy morning with an aura of high spirit and enthusiasm, Mohammad Abdullah Dar, 84, wearing a tracksuit and a skull cap, starts jogging in the playground of the Amar Singh College in Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir. He’s been on a mission to teach soccer to women and help them excel at it in a part of the world not always enthusiastic about female sports.

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Biden Ups Pressure On Israel As Deadline For Rafah Assault Approaches

After Benjamin Netanyahu pulled Israeli negotiators out of talks in Egypt, blaming Hamas for refusing to budge on what he called its “ludicrous” demands, Israel’s prime minister pledged to press ahead with the Rafah offensive. However, his war cabinet member Benny Gantz said a deal might still be possible.

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5 American Athletes Who Converted To Islam

Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. Some notable American athletes have converted to Islam starting in the 1960s, a trend that continues to this day. For some, the belief provides a chance to emphasize personal responsibility and social justice.

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