Posts in News
The Meaning Behind Trump Cabinet Pick Pete Hegseth’s Christian Tattoos

Pete Hegseth wears his Christian pride on his sleeve — literally. The Minnesota National Guard veteran, TV host and now nominee for U.S. secretary of defense has a slew of religiously inspired tattoos that have drawn attention as Hegseth's public vetting for a senior position in President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet has begun.

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Why Christians Are Part Of The Growing Homeschooling Movement

A Christian worldview. Life skills. Bible education. Safety. Flexibility. These are some of the benefits homeschooling parents say they can offer their children. Sisters Rebecca Stewart and Jessica Dean, co-directors of Virtue Road Academy, are part of an increasing number of parents choosing to educate their children at home.

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On Religion: Why Are Clergy So Timid When It Comes To The Smartphone Crisis?

(ANALYSIS) As the star of the scathing documentary "Religulous" — "religious" plus "ridiculous" — Bill Maher has never hidden his agnostic views about faith. But that doesn't mean the stand-up comic doubts the reality of evil. Consider his blistering comment on smartphones, drawn from his “Real Time” talk show earlier this year.

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Jordan Peterson’s New Book On The Bible Fails To Wrestle With God Enough

(REVIEW) “We Who Wrestle with God” is a solid compilation of Peterson’s views on the continuity between biblical testimony and the human condition. If he’d been more disciplined with his prose, the good in his work would have been more readable. And if he’d taken more seriously wrestling with the text itself, there would have been a lot more good to read.

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Judge Rules Louisiana Shalt Not Require Schools To Post Ten Commandments

(ANALYSIS) Do the Ten Commandments have a valid place in U.S. classrooms? Louisiana’s Legislature and governor insist the answer is “yes.” But on Nov. 12, 2024, a federal judge said “no.”

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A Jewish Snowman Movie Would Have Made More Sense Than Netflix’s ‘Hot Frosty’

(REVIEW) Christmas may not be a Jewish holiday and “Hot Frosty” is entirely devoid of even the slightest hint of Hanukkah happening in the background. What I’m saying is this: Jews are way better at holiday magic. And since Christians get so many holiday movies, we are the ones who deserve the hot snowman golem movie.

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Another Holy See: Visiting The Center Of Caodaism in Southern Vietnam

Caodaist beliefs and practices are a similar blend — although these seem to be skewed more towards traditionally Asian spiritualities. Reincarnation, karma, ancestor worship and divination are all central elements, while the most apparent contribution of the Abrahamic religions is monotheism.

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In Time For #RedWednesday, New Report Details Christian Persecution In Europe

(ANALYSIS) In 2023, 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes were documented in 35 European countries. This included 232 personal attacks, such as harassment, threats and physical violence. At least 2,000 Christian places of worship were damaged. Attacks took place throughout the continent, including Germany, the United Kingdom and especially France.

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EPC Church Charged for Sharing Information with MinistryWatch

After MinistryWatch published an article about the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the administrative commission (AC) of the Presbytery of the Alleghenies filed additional charges and an indictment against Pastor Nate Devlin and the Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church session (or board of elders). The trial could result in punishment ranging from admonition to excommunication.

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What Another Trump Presidency Means For Faith And Education

In the days since Donald Trump’s reelection, Jews and others who value a strict separation between church and state in the nation’s public schools have been alarmed by some of the names floated to run the Department of Education — and by the president-elect’s talk of eliminating it.

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‘Tis The Season For Missionaries To Connect With Churches

Church Connections is the IMB’s effort to connect, nurture and deepen relationships with the Southern Baptist Convention’s 47,000 churches. Congregations can hear and rejoice over what God is doing around the world. IMB leadership recognized not every church in the SBC has a relationship or contact with a missionary.

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Trump And The Faith Vote: What People Have Been Contending Since Election Day

(ANALYSIS) Turnout! Due to the stay-at-home factor, Democratic votes for president fell by some nine million from 2020, causing political scientist James Galbraith to say the party had committed “suicide.” Kamala Harris and the Democrats had a problem with men. Donald Trump’s Republicans had a big problem with women (though Harris did a bit worse with them than the male Joe Biden had).

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From Greed To Lust: Here Are The ‘Most Sinful’ Cities In The United States

It turns out what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay there. In fact, sin is everywhere — from beer-loving Milwaukee to decadent New Orleans — meaning that the U.S. is filled with people behaving badly, a new study finds. The report compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 37 key indicators and seven sinful behaviors, including greed, lust, vanity and laziness.

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Ancient Holy Land Mosaic Helps Mark Museum Of The Bible’s ‘Special’ 7th Anniversary

What does a Roman centurion and an artist have in common with an ancient mosaic from the Holy Land more than 1,800 years ago? All are featured in the Megiddo Mosaic on display at the Museum of the Bible in an exhibit considered to be the oldest display of Christian faith in the world. The museum opened seven years ago this month.

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What Buddhism Can Teach Us In This Moment Of Deep Divisions

(ANALYSIS) Democracy depends upon using words wisely. With the right words, citizens can live and work together, even in disagreement – and resolve conflicts peacefully. A lesson from Buddhism seems particularly apt in this moment of enemyship: Treat the people you disagree with as mistaken rather than evil.

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4 Ashramas Of Hinduism: What They Can Teach Us About Aging Gracefully

(ANALYSIS) Aging is often feared, resisted, and in the cruelest of cases, mocked and even punished. I’m aware of Hinduism’s teachings about the different stages of life — the four ashramas — knowledge that has been lost today. This model of human life could offer guidance on how to age more gracefully.

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Mediha: A Yazidi Survivor Fights For A New Life After Enslavement

(ANALYSIS) Now, thanks to a brave young Yazidi woman, Mediha Ibrahim Alhamad, the struggle to reestablish life after years of enslavement is brought to the surface, with a documentary from director Hasan Oswald and executive producer Emma Thompson.

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