Posts tagged Easter
How Easter Could Bring Greater Unity Between Eastern And Western Churches

For centuries, churches have used different methods to calculate the date of Easter. Rarely do they coincide. The search for a common date has also been one of the main issues of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, whose 1,700th anniversary is being celebrated this year. As a result, this could be a year that marks a turning point in the relationship between Eastern and Western churches.

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Your Kin Aren’t Anywhere Near As Dysfunctional As Jesus’ Family

(OPINION) All humanity is royally screwed up. As a result, your family is screwed up. Likely, you are screwed up, too, and your family may have contributed to that screwed-upness. But your ancestry doesn’t have to define your destiny. With God’s help, you can break the cycle of dysfunction, no matter how far back it goes.

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Animated Easter Film ‘The King of Kings’ Makes Jesus Boring (Especially To Boys)

(REVIEW) There’s a kind of soothing boredom that settles in throughout the film. Everything about it is mild. The jokes are gentle. The characters’ anger restrained. The sadness subdued. The animation is beautiful, but unremarkable. The voice actors deliver their lines without much intensity. Because the emotional highs and lows are nonexistent, the experience is more like watching a screensaver.

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Rising Egg Prices Threaten Easter And Passover Traditions

Egg prices typically increase every spring as Easter nears, largely due to demand. However, already-high prices have caused many to forgo eggs altogether this Paschal season. And it isn’t just Christians who are impacted by the high cost. Jews who are preparing to celebrate Passover look to eggs as a special part of their Seder meal. Not this year.  

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‘The Last Supper’ Has Its Moments, But A Reminder Why Faith-Based Films Need Criticism

Over the years. as a film critic, I’ve sometimes been asked to change my reviews so that my criticism wouldn’t prevent people from seeing the movie and being impacted by its message. This question came to mind while watching the movie “The Last Supper” and reading the passion with which the filmmakers talked about making such a film. The filmmakers clearly had a lot of love for making it, but it is not a good film.

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Lent Not On The Radar For Most US Christians

Lent may be on the calendar, but it’s not something most Americans are observing. A traditional 40-day window of fasting before Easter, Lent is celebrated by around a quarter of U.S. adults, according to a Lifeway Research study. Three in four Americans (74%) say they do not typically observe Lent, while 26% participate.

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Orthodox Easter: Calendar Question Continues To Split The Church

If by any chance the Catholic Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate do reach an agreement on a common date for Easter, this would create a tectonic shift in the Orthodox world. Such a move would deepen the ongoing Orthodox rift between Constantinople and Moscow, potentially creating a series of schisms within local Orthodox churches (similar to what happened in the 1920s with the Greek and Romanian churches).

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Easter Celebrates A Sovereign Laying Down His Rights And Dying

(OPINION) Isaiah paints us a portrait of what true, godly leadership looks like. In the New Testament’s Gospels, God himself incarnates a human being who sounds a lot like Isaiah’s suffering servant. What a contrast between Jesus’ leadership and the leaders we promote to power in our own politics, government, pop culture, military and business.

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Bored With Basketball, Finding ‘Madness’ In Scripture

Something to ponder: One of the earliest known uses of the noun madness is in an early version of Wycliffe’s Bible in 1384. In the wider world, madness meant insanity, lunacy, irrationalism, folly, delusion. In scripture, individuals — as well as nations and faith traditions — with only a shallow sense of the past and genuine tradition are given to delusion, which happens to be how Iain McGilchrist describes our current state of affairs.

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Arizona Church Sues After City Halts Ministry That Fed Needy Families

Pastor Manuel Castro was in tears. Sobbing, he recalled his frustration and heartbreak at having to halt Iglesia Bautista Gethsemani’s food distribution ministry after the city threatened his arrest. For 25 years, Castro said he has ministered to the spiritual and humanitarian needs of the agricultural town, near the Mexican border, including many seasonal workers with an unemployment rate of 28.1 percent.

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America In Moral Freefall: Have We Become A Pagan Society?

(OPINION) For many years now, it has been clear that America has been in a steep moral and spiritual decline, despite some genuine revival movements along with some holy pushback against the growing cultural insanity. But two recent examples confirm that we are now in moral freefall. What took place over Easter weekend is further proof of it.

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Passover And Easter Usually Overlap: Why Not This Year?

(EXPLAINER) Since 2000, the two holidays have overlapped every year but four — in 2005, 2008, 2016 and this spring. Easter is calculated based on the Christian liturgical calendar tied to the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Passover, on the other hand, is determined by the Jewish calendar, which is also lunar-based. That’s where the similarities end.

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New York Baptist Church And Pastor Mark 50 Years of Service

When Mark Hui, pastor of Brooklyn Chinese Baptist Church in New York, felt God calling him 50 years ago to start a church for Chinese-speaking people, he thought it would be as easy as opening a restaurant. The actual start was harder and despite the 300 flyers distributed announcing the new church, the first service in March 1974 included only three adults, two of whom were Hui and his wife.

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At Eastertime, Gaza’s Christians ‘No Longer Have The Energy To Suffer’

As Christians approach Easter, Baptists sheltered in the remnants of Gaza Baptist Church are so worn out they “no longer have the energy to suffer,” a leader there told the Christian Mission to Gaza. At the same time, Israel Defense Forces have decreased their attacks on Gaza in recent days.

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5 Facts About The Origins Of Modern-Day Easter Traditions

Easter is a holiday rich in religious significance, history and symbolism. At its root, Easter — also known as Resurrection Sunday — is a Christian festival commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus as described in the New Testament. Then where did eggs and bunnies come from?

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Planned Monument To Muslim British Soldiers Ignites Wider Political Debate

A new monument will recognize the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who fought for Britain under the Commonwealth banner. The British government announced that $1.2 million would be allocated to erecting the monument. Of course, the plan has come under fire politically from both the left and the right.

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Good Friday Passion Plays Help Churches And Communities ‘Come Together’

Easter pageants have become an increasingly frequent sight on Good Friday around the world. The idea dates back to the Middle Ages when town guilds performed individual scenes telling the story to mainly illiterate audiences. Although these public events are still performed on an irregular basis, it was over a decade ago that the first contemporary Passion Plays began to be staged in the U.K.

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Bible Trumper: Former President Selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Holy Books

Trying to recover from under an avalanche of legal bills, former President Donald Trump said that he’s selling Bibles as he embarks on another White House run. “Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” he said in a video posted to Truth Social.

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