Posts tagged Orthodox Church
Crossroads Podcast: Angry Questions About Christians Being Persecuted

During a typical week, readers (or podcast listeners) send me emails or messages through various social-media platforms. Often, these people are frustrated or even angry. Most folks are not upset with me. More often than not, they are ticked off about something they have seen — or failed to see — in mainstream press coverage of the news.

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Why Ukraine Still Matters More Than 2 Years After Russia’s Invasion

(OPINION) In the early days of the war, we were united in purpose. I didn’t know what to expect now. My Ukrainian brothers and sisters must be exhausted, I thought. And they have to know that support has wavered in the U.S. — that some politicians have called for my country to drop its financial support for Ukraine. Would I find tired, resentful faces this time?

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On Religion: New Threat To Alaska’s Historic Orthodox Cathedral

(ANALYSIS) After the 1966 fire, St. Michael's was rebuilt with concrete, steel and other fire-resistant materials, using 1961 drawings from the Historic American Buildings Survey for reference. Today, there are leaks along joints in the church's domes, and the wooden floors squeak from water damage.

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Orthodox Easter: Calendar Question Continues To Split The Church

If by any chance the Catholic Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate do reach an agreement on a common date for Easter, this would create a tectonic shift in the Orthodox world. Such a move would deepen the ongoing Orthodox rift between Constantinople and Moscow, potentially creating a series of schisms within local Orthodox churches (similar to what happened in the 1920s with the Greek and Romanian churches).

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Earth Day: 5 Orthodox Christian Books That Deal With Environmentalism

Many across the world will celebrate Earth Day on Monday, which marks the 54th anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is the fight against plastic, aiming to increase awareness of the issue of pollution around the globe and its harmful effects on the environment.

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On Religion: Ukraine’s Historic Orthodox Church Slams ‘Russian World’

(ANALYSIS) Close observers of Eastern Orthodox Christianity were not surprised when the recent World Russian People’s Council bluntly rejected “abortion propaganda,” efforts to promote LGBTQ rights and this age of “sexual licentiousness and debauchery.” It wasn’t surprising when that Moscow conference urged the defense of traditional families, “strong with many children,” during an era where birth rates are falling.

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Remembering The 2004 Pogrom Against Orthodox Serbs In Kosovo

(OPINION) At first glance, the attacks that took place in 2004 may appear to be a spontaneous reaction of locals to the unfortunate drowning of Albanian boys and the alleged involvement of Serbian individuals in the incident. However, the ruins of Serbian homes, churches and monasteries tell a different story.

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‘Sacred Alaska’: Q&A With Film Director Simon Scionka On Native Culture and Orthodox Spirituality

“Sacred Alaska” is an award-winning, visually stunning documentary with compelling storytelling. The film explores the profound influence of Orthodoxy, brought by St. Herman and Russian monks in the late 18th century, on Native Alaskan society. It also highlights the unique fusion of Native Alaskan indigenous beliefs with Orthodox traditions.

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Jewish Settlers Bid For Section Of Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter

(ANALYSIS) The Armenian quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City is facing its biggest crisis in a long time. A Jewish businessman with connections to the radical settler movement is poised to develop a quarter of the neighborhood’s territory, with plans to build a luxury hotel. If this goes ahead, it will significantly change part of the Old City.

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Columnist Rod Dreher Talks Orthodox Christianity And Nationalism

Rod Dreher, a senior editor and blogger at The American Conservative and a convert to Orthodox Christianity from Catholicism is one of the most influential voices in the conservative movement who has moved further right in recent years and argued for Americans to look to nationalist examples in Europe, like Victor Orban’s Hungary, for solutions.

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Orthodox Alaska Part 5: From Alaska To Fiji — The Story Of One Family’s Spiritual Journey

From the beginning of their journey into the Orthodox faith, Meghan and Michael Jones were metaphysically connected to Alaska. But their sense of calling to spread the gospel, expand the church and launch socially redemptive initiatives eventually led the couple and their four children to Fiji.

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An Interview With The Greek Orthodox Environmental Chief For ‘The Green Patriarch’

“Not only is a powerful (Orthodox?) tyrant annihilating human life and fertile land, but a prominent (Orthodox!) patriarch is granting benediction and endorsement of this destruction of a neighboring population that shares much of the same faith, history, and culture.”

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Belarus Brings Criminal Charges Against Church For Outdoor Worship

Officials are threatening Pastor Vyacheslav Goncharenko and other members of New Life Pentecostal Church in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, with administrative and criminal charges for continuing to hold meetings for worship in the open air in the church’s car park.

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Belarus regime crackdown on Orthodox Church is altering prayers, purging clergy

Often called Europe’s last dictator, President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus has continued to jail human rights defenders and his regime is targeting those protesting against election falsification and regime violence, including priests that the government has expelled from the Belarusian Orthodox Church. The regime also tried to ban singing of the hymn “Mighty God” and prayers for political prisoners, organizing instead a pro-regime "prayer day".

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Greek Orthodox Church Destroyed On 9/11 Restarts Construction

The Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was the only house of worship that was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks, and has been working to rebuild since. Construction restarts after several delays, and the church hopes to reopen next year.

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Persecution of Christians is 'old news'? Prince Charles begs to differ

(COMMENTARY) The persecution of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East was not one of 2018's big news stories. Instead, this parade of horrors became a kind of "old news" that rarely reached the prime headlines offered by elite newsrooms.

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Moscow reporting on the Ukraine Church talks

(COMMENTARY) Nothing much has changed in Western reporting about Russia since 1939. A recent meeting between the Patriarchs Cyril of Moscow and Bartholomew of Constantinople over an autocephalous or independent orthodox church in Ukraine is yet another example of the fog that surrounds Russian reporting.

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Lying for the sake of truth - TASS on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

(COMMENTARY) The Russian media scene presents a sobering picture for those who hold to theories of the inevitable progress of mankind. Though the collapse of the Soviet Union ushered in a decade of a press freedoms in Russia under Boris Yeltsin, with Vladimir Putin the situation has tightened. The state does not pervade all aspects of intellectual life. But where its interests are concerned - dissent is not tolerated.

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Do Journalists Know The Details? Egypt's Ancient Coptic Community Is Used To Being Attacked

EGYPT -- Any list of the embattled Christian communities in the Middle East would start with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt and the Eastern Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus. It is also important to know that there are other small, but important, Christian communities in Egypt, Syria, and other lands in the region.

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