Posts tagged FaVS News
Why AI Can’t Replace Human Creativity Or Our Need To Create

(OPINION) Call it God’s work, but a world without art is a world without humans. Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde knew it, “What art seeks to disturb is monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine.” I took a course on artificial intelligence to keep abreast of the world and was unsurprised to learn that a machine is not “intelligent.”

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‘Faith In The Dharma’: Advocate For Universal Values By Using Compassion

(OPINION) The Buddha didn’t suggest that monks and nuns become society’s moral police, dictating correct behavior and enforcing his rules. Rather, by living simply within his guidelines and refraining from harm, monastic communities can exemplify ethical living. By deliberately cultivating equanimity, love, compassion and empathic joy, they could inspire others to do the same.

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Sacred Cows And Superstitions Drive Harmful Practices And Manipulate Believers

(OPINION) Today, in 2024, with centuries of historical evidence to show witchcraft accusations as false, nonfactual and harmful superstition, there are thousands of innocent people accused of witchcraft who are tortured and killed annually. Most of the accused are children, a few elderly women and people who can’t physically defend themselves.

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New Podcast To Challenge Doug Wilson’s Doctrines With Abuse Stories

“Sons of Patriarchy” aims to expose patriarchy, Christian nationalism, the underlying theologies of these movements and how these beliefs breed all forms of abuse. The series will also “give voice to those who have suffered the kind of abuse you cannot even begin to imagine in the churches and institutions we are profiling,” according to its Facebook page.

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Native-Led Movies And TV Shows Positively Affect Viewers, Study Shows

(ANALYSIS) Back in August, IllumiNative released a study that described how Native-led shows like “Reservation Dogs" had a positive effect on viewers, showing that Native-led projects are not only in demand but proving to be educational and impactful. Viewers who watched the aforementioned Native-led shows were more likely to agree with policies that support and center Indigenous voices.

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‘Beetlejuice’ And The Afterlife: Tim Burton Offers Up Confusion About The Dead

(REVIEW) The “Beetlejuice” sequel shows that Tim Burton continues to present religious themes, such as when Beetlejuice makes the sign of the cross and immediately catches on fire. Also, the movie expands the afterlife and shows how there are places beyond the waiting room and hallways we were shown in the first movie.

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Hollywood Offers Harmful And Misleading Latter-day Saints Portrayals

(OPINION) Hulu is releasing a docuseries in September called “Secret Lives of Mormon Wives,” and Hollywood is releasing a film called “Heretic” in mid-November. The Hulu series might attract voyeur types, but I’m hoping that more discriminating viewers will be repulsed by the sensational immorality featured in the program.

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The Creek Will Keep Flowing: Insight About American Politics From A Camping Trip

(OPINION) This moment is important. Who wins this next election is significant and will change the future, no matter what. And, this little creek will never know the difference. Most likely, 100, 1,000, even 1 million years from now, this creek will be here. Cheerfully babbling along. A simple dance of water with gravity.

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How Can We Choose To Pull The Threads Of Injustice?

(OPINION) For those who freeze or feel lost concerning the global and local experiences of hate, bigotry, racism, white nationalism, homophobia, ecological devastation, violence, Christian Dominionism, misogyny, poverty, war and the abundance of inhumanity, here are some suggestions about practicing an engaged life.

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From Orphan To Shepherd: One Pastor’s Unlikely Journey From Soccer To Faith

From his grandparent’s home in Germany to Texas soccer arenas, from rage at God to full-time ministry, the Rev. Rene’ Devantier’s journey from unbelief to faith has led him to vow that everyone feels welcome at Fowler United Methodist Church. Born in Berlin, Germany, to parents too young to care for him, one of Devantier’s earliest memories is of Child Protective Services coming to his home.

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Apology From US Catholic Bishops Falls Short For Traumatized Indigenous Families

(OPINION) On June 14, U.S. Catholic bishops apologized for the mistreatment and trauma caused through the church’s role in American Indian boarding schools. While the apology is all well and good, it is very little and very late for thousands of Indigenous families in America.  

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Catholics Across America Unite For First Ever Eucharistic Pilgrimage

The largest Catholic Eucharistic pilgrimage in U.S. history launched across the country on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, and will travel through Southern Idaho May 27 through May 31. Across the nation, over 100,000 people are expected to participate in this momentous movement of feet and faith.  

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India Is One Step Closer To A Hindu Theocracy

(OPINION) Modi and former President Donald Trump are hyper-nationalists and Islamophobes. Both push fear-driven campaigns based on historical grievances and aversion to foreign religions and ethnicities. A militant Hindu monk has been elected to lead India’s largest state, and he is rabidly anti-Muslim.

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