Posts tagged Gospels
Your Kin Aren’t Anywhere Near As Dysfunctional As Jesus’ Family

(OPINION) All humanity is royally screwed up. As a result, your family is screwed up. Likely, you are screwed up, too, and your family may have contributed to that screwed-upness. But your ancestry doesn’t have to define your destiny. With God’s help, you can break the cycle of dysfunction, no matter how far back it goes.

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Jerusalem Cross Gardening: A Compass For Inner Transformation

(OPINION) The Jerusalem cross raised bed has four quadrants facing west, north, east and south — each representing one of nature’s four seasons (fall, winter, spring and summer) — and one of the four Christian Gospels (Matthew, Mark, John and Luke/Acts). These will serve as a compass for a journey of inner transformation.

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‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Part 2: A Darker Jesus Shines

(REVIEW) “The Chosen” remains one of the strongest pieces of faith-based content being produced these days. The fourth season is, on balance, one of the strongest to date despite some flaws. Hopefully, the groundwork being laid in these middle episodes will feel worth it in the future. 

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Bible Debates: Why Did Early Church Choose Only 4 Gospels?

(ANALYSIS) During the formative first centuries of Christian history, there were some 40 texts in circulation that could be considered “gospels,” according to one scholar, while another counted as many as 70. Marvin Meyer of Chapman University decided a dozen such nonbiblical gospels merited inclusion in a 2005 anthology, while others have proposed different listings.

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