Posts tagged marriage
Reevaluating The Sexual Revolution: Louise Perry’s Guide To Modern Hookup Culture

(REVIEW) Encouraging women to feel disgust toward men’s sexuality also doesn’t seem like the best approach to restoring harmony between the sexes. Despite Perry’s focus on the harms of hookup culture, Gen Z is having less sex than previous generations. Culture critic Freya India points out that much of this is due to the constant fearmongering about sex and men from online influencers. The result of Perry’s book may not be healthier relationships, but fewer ones.

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Family Life In America: Partisan Divide Widens Over Marriage And Faith

The partisan divide between how Americans view family and the importance of marriage is growing — although most agree that economic challenges continue to be a major concern, a new survey reveals. The annual American Family Survey found that 71% of respondents identified the economy as one of the most important issues affecting families today.

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Is Czechia Slowly Dying Because Of Declining Faith And Family?

Czechia, known until recently as the Czech Republic following its split from Slovakia, is a stark contrast to many countries where religion shapes societal norms and family structures. Czechia used to be predominantly Catholic, but has undergone a dramatic secularization, leaving many with the question of what institution or institutions the Eastern European nation is built upon. 

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Crossroads Podcast: Religion And The Plight Of Unmarried Young Adults

(ANALYSIS) Journalists frequently cover important news stories, but miss key facts and themes that — for half of America, or thereabouts — are linked to morality or religion. Thus, these stories are haunted by “religion ghosts.”

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Crossroads Podcast: Taylor Swift Remains A Force In American Life

This brings us to megastar Taylor Swift and her decision to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 White House race, which was the hook for this week’s “Crossroads” podcast. Legions of “Swifties” from in America (and around the world) received this news via Instagram (Swift has 280+ million followers), where her much-anticipated post triggered celebratory mainstream media coverage.

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Americans More Liberal On Moral Issues, Grow Pessimistic About The Future

Overwhelmingly, Americans think the moral values of the country are worsening. Around four in five U.S. adults (81 percent) say the state of moral values is getting worse, and only 14 percent say it’s getting better. That gives the future outlook a minus 67 score — down 24 points from 2002.

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‘Finding Faith’ A Well-Meaning — But Substandard — Faith Melodrama

(REVIEW) This movie feels like a throwback to how faith-based film’s used to be. The cinematography, music and editing are frustratingly substandard in a world where Kingdom Storybook Company has shown that care can be taken with those elements in a Christian film. Ultimately, I have hope that Great American Pure Flix will grow in the quality of its content.

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How The Sexual Revolution Killed The Hollywood Rom-Com

(OPINION) There’s good reason to believe that at least part of the decline in rom-coms comes from the fact that a large part of the audience just doesn’t believe in romance anymore. Fewer and fewer people are getting married and increasingly people are disillusioned with dating. And this is bleeding its way into people’s viewing preferences.

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Nigeria’s Interfaith Couples Face Marital Hurdles

It is customary for married couples from different religious background to convert to a single faith after tying the knot. However, some Muslim and Christian couples, mostly in Nigeria and some parts of the United States, have defied this custom, instead opting to marry without converting to their spouse’s faith.

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Interfaith Couples Overcome Challenges Thanks To ‘Dhanak of Humanity’ Initiative

Dhanak of Humanity was founded in 2004 by Asif Iqbal, who started it as a support group for interfaith couples in India, aimed at providing guidance and assistance to those facing challenges due to societal prejudices surrounding interreligious unions.

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Distressing Trend of ‘Reverse Dowry’: Shattering Families And Challenging Values

Despite Sikhism’s denouncement of dowry, the tradition of demanding monetary or material gifts from the spouse’s family persists. As more individuals from Punjab pursue opportunities abroad, “reverse dowry” has left families shattered, marriages in ruins and spouses abandoned.

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‘Barbie’ movie: Concerning that sermon about what it means to be a woman

(OPINION) Hollywood worships big movie franchises, so fans can expect "Barbie" sequels. One plot proposal quickly emerged from an unlikely source — Sister Mary Joseph Calore of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pennsylvania.

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Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) Have Moved Toward Equality In Marriage — But Not Church

(OPINION) Discussions about women in the Mormon Church often revolve around whether they will ever be ordained. They may serve as leaders of women’s or children’s organizations, but power in the church remains firmly in the hands of men — though women’s status and leadership have noticeably increased within the family since the 1980s.

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How Fears Of 'Love Jihad' Gripped The Indian Imagination

(ANALYSIS) A narrative pushed by Hindu nationalists suggests Muslim men are forcing Hindu women and girls to marry them and convert to Islam. An anti-conversion law that prohibits “love jihad” was passed at the end of November and criminalizes Hindu-Muslim couples.

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Treating congregations like families is one response to the #ChurchToo era

(OPINION) Shifting gender roles and expectations mixed with revelations about sexual misconduct in church communities make relationships in congregations a complicated matter. Adjusting how we divide people in church may help them navigate life better.

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'A Good Wife' is Samra Zafar's story of leaving an abusive marriage without leaving Islam

Zafar agreed to an arranged marriage at age 17, believing the man and his family that the move from Pakistan to Canada would give her more educational opportunities. She didn’t expect to become a prisoner in her own home.

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