Posts in News
Would Evangelicals Prefer A United States With No Mainline Protestants?

(ANALYSIS) I’ve been a party to a lot of conversations about being mainline over the last 20 years. And sometimes I get the distinct impression that evangelicals really, really don’t like mainline Protestants. But do prefer nonbelievers to mainline Christians?

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Crossroads Podcast: A Must-Read Look At Pro-Life Work During Trump 2.0

Soon after becoming president, Democrat Jimmy Carter signed the Hyde Amendment into law — barring the use of federal funds for abortions, except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is at stake. When the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration attempted to kill the Hyde Amendment, a small — but symbolic — group of Democrats appealed to the elderly Carter for help.

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How Islam And Redemption Transformed Boxer Mike Tyson’s Life

Despite his success, boxer Mike Tyson was plagued by demons. Emotional pain and a violent temper led to a series of personal and professional breakdowns. In 1992, he was convicted of rape and sentenced to six years in prison. It was during those years that Tyson encountered the Islamic faith. It would take years before he would eventually find redemption.

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‘Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints’ Creates A Reverent Look At Christian Heroes

(REVIEW) “Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints” is an eight-episode docudrama series following the lives and sacrifices of saints: Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, John the Baptist, Thomas Becket, Mary Magdalene, Moses the Black, Sebastian and Maximillian Kolbe. Each episode features a dramatization of their lives, narration by Scorsese and a panel.

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New Rules On Supernatural Appearances Of Mary Will Affect Pilgrimage Site

(ANALYSIS) For over 40 years, six people from Medjugorje, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, have claimed to see and speak with the Virgin Mary. For almost as long, hordes of pilgrims have traveled to visit sites of the virgin’s alleged appearance and to observe the seers’ daily trances. The Vatican has never approved the pilgrimage or issued official judgment of the visionaries — until now.

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The ‘Pentecostal Putin’: New Book Looks At Ethiopia’s ‘Messianic’ Prime Minister

(REVIEW) In 2018, Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appeared on the East African nation’s political scene almost from nowhere. Claiming to be responding to an assignment by God, the young Pentecostal Christian promised democratic salvation and national unity to a hopelessly divided nation.

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On Religion: What Would Happen If Churches Had Phone-Free Services?

(ANALYSIS) Maybe churches should consider a strategic change in their worship plans, said the Rev. Russell Moore in a podcast conversation with Jonathan Haidt, author of the bestseller “The Anxious Generation” and the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University. Check out Part 1 of 2 of Terry Mattingly’s latest “On Religion” column.

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On A Mission To Help Christians In India’s War-Torn Manipur

(ESSAY) When we finally arrived, I was greeted with an obvious sort of curiosity. I later learned that I was the first white person to visit the city since the violence broke out over a year ago. I was stunned by this revelation. In a city that is under siege and giving refuge to 40,000 people, not a single emissary, journalist or missionary from a Western nation had bothered to visit?

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Christians Who Attend Weekly Services Also Likely To Be Church Members

According to a Lifeway Research study, around four in five U.S. adults who attend a Protestant church in a typical month are members of that congregation. Specifically, 82% of regular churchgoers say they are currently a member of the church they attend. Fewer than one in five (17%) say they’re not a member, while 1% aren’t sure.

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Revenue Decline Remains Largest Challenge For Ministry Leaders

Nearly 10% of Christian ministry leaders told MinistryWatch their ministry’s revenue has declined more than 10% over the last 12 months. That represents the highest response we have received showing a decrease in revenue since beginning the survey in October 2022.

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How Did Pastor Robert Morris Acquire Multiple Multi-Million-Dollar Properties?

The Roys Report has uncovered details about Morris’ wealth, calling into question whether the famous preacher’s emphasis on tithing — giving 10% to the church — was purely altruistic. Though it’s not publicly known how much Morris is worth today, Morris has bought and sold multiple multi-million-dollar properties in Texas.

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Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Resigns After Mishandling Abuse Scandal

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, head of the Church of England, stepped down after an investigation found he had failed to notify civil authorities about serial physical and sexual abuse when he became aware of it. “It is very clear that I must take personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatizing period between 2013 and 2024,” Welby said.

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How John Bradburne Could Become Zimbabwe’s First Catholic Saint

“He loved them to the end.” While this Biblical verse found in John 13:1 is in reference to Jesus, it also sums up the life of John Bradburne, the British-born missionary martyred in Zimbabwe more than four decades ago that many are hopeful will become the country’s first Catholic saint.

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Blessed Bikes: How Pedaling Has Helped Churches Raise Money For Repairs

A one-time bike ride sponsored by Anglican churches in 1982 has proven so successful it has turned into annual event and copied across Great Britain. The original rides have grown from just cyclists. Thousands of walkers, runners, canoeists, horse riders and even vintage car enthusiasts seeking to visit as many churches as possible within a day took part in last month’s event.

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‘To Be Human Is To Believe Freely’: Q&A With USCIRF Chair Stephen Schneck

Freedom of religion or belief, a right that speaks to something so deep-seated in each of us that it practically defines what it is to be human, is under attack in many parts of the world. Repressive laws, exclusion, deportation, imprisonment and out-and-out genocide threaten the liberty of far too many religious communities in far too many places.

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Israelis And Arabs Battle For Influence In Trump’s Second Term

As President-elect Donald Trump huddles with his transition team to shape his new cabinet, several influential figures who played a key role in his campaign’s outreach to Arab American voters in Michigan are pushing for him to adopt a more favorable stance toward Palestinians in a post-war effort for regional peace.

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Despite Injuries, First Native American US Army Chaplain Grateful For His Service

The impact came out of nowhere, but Charles LeClair will never forget it. Another truck barreled toward them, slamming into their jeep and sending LeClair hurtling to the ground. It was 1969. LeClair and his assistant were traveling in South Vietnam between. As the chaplain for the 103rd Engineer Company, LeClair had an important job to do — a memorial service for a battalion soldier killed in action.

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Jews Grapple With ‘Weaponization’ Of Fear Following Attack On Israeli Soccer Fans

Members of the small Jewish community in Amsterdam confronted the city’s deputy mayor Friday morning, demanding answers for its failure to prevent violent attacks on Israeli soccer fans the night before that international Jewish organizations and leaders condemned as a pogrom. Videos showed men running through the streets beating Israelis and shooting fireworks at them.

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Gazing At The Heavens: The Vatican Observatory’s Mission To Study Faith And Science

Science and faith intersect at this special place. While some may find it strange that the Vatican has an observatory, the Catholic Church has been involved with science since the Jesuit order was founded in 1540. Saint Ignatius, for example, would spend hours on his balcony gazing at the night sky.

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An Ordinary Christian Couple Left Behind A Little Farm And A Giant Legacy

The story of the late Bob and Helen Bland is as ordinary as it is extraordinary, right down to their last name. Yet on a blue-sky Sunday afternoon, a crowd of friends, family and fellow Christians gathered amid 100-foot cottonwood trees with a slight whiff of nature in the breeze to celebrate the couple’s legacy.

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