Posts tagged Pentacostals
Sacred Cows And Superstitions Drive Harmful Practices And Manipulate Believers

(OPINION) Today, in 2024, with centuries of historical evidence to show witchcraft accusations as false, nonfactual and harmful superstition, there are thousands of innocent people accused of witchcraft who are tortured and killed annually. Most of the accused are children, a few elderly women and people who can’t physically defend themselves.

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The ‘Pentecostal Putin’: New Book Looks At Ethiopia’s ‘Messianic’ Prime Minister

(REVIEW) In 2018, Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appeared on the East African nation’s political scene almost from nowhere. Claiming to be responding to an assignment by God, the young Pentecostal Christian promised democratic salvation and national unity to a hopelessly divided nation.

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The Power Of Christ Compels Them: Why Hollywood Is Making So Many Exorcism Movies

(ANALYSIS) Exorcism movies are making a comeback — and the reasons are more interesting than you might think. The likely reasons actually say a lot about the present and the future of religion in America and its intersection with the future of mass media. Here's a deeper look at why Hollywood is going all in on the genre.

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