Posts in Middle East
5 Religion News Trends To Watch For In 2025

It may be the start of a new year, but many of the same issues and concerns will dominate the news cycle in 2025. From Pope Francis’ health from the erosion of religious freedom in many parts of the globe to the moral implications that come with the widespread use of AI, here’s what to watch for in the new year.  

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Crossroads Podcast: Were There Any Actual Religion-News Stories In 2024?

(ANALYSIS) Almost two decades ago, the reigning editor of The New York Times admitted, during a speech to the National College Media Association, that the world’s most influential journalism cathedral had changed one of its core doctrines. 

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Crossroads Podcast: Will It Be Safe This Christmas For Syria’s Christians?

(ANALYSIS) Anyone who is interested in the roots of Christian history is familiar with the following, drawn from the 11th chapter of Acts. Where is Antioch today? That biblical city now known as Antakya, located on the Orontes River about 12 miles from the Syrian border. The history of the church in Antioch was at the heart of the news in this week’s “Crossroads” podcast.

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New Global Pew Survey Shows Rising Religious Intolerance

While the global median score on the Government Restrictions Index (based on several factors) held steady in 2022 at 3.0 out of 10, the number of countries with “high” or “very high” levels of government religious restrictions rose to 59, which accounts for 30% of the 198 countries and territories Pew Research Center studied.

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Amnesty International’s New Report Finds Genocide Against Palestinians In Gaza

(ANALYSIS) On Dec. 5, 2024, Amnesty International, a nongovernmental organization, published a new report analyzing the situation of Palestinians in Gaza. The report, “You Feel Like You Are Subhuman,” finds that the atrocities perpetrated against Palestinians in Gaza amount to genocide.

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Patriarch John X Says Christians ‘Not Just Guests’ In Post-Assad Syria

Patriarch John X of Antioch delivered a powerful sermon at the Church of the Holy Cross in Damascus, addressing Christians in Syria following the fall of Bashar al-Assad and the takeover by an Islamic rebel group.

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How Israel Accidentally Helped Spark Regime Change In Syria

(OPINION) The fall of Assad highlights a classic case of unintended consequences. Israel — like the West — was long ambivalent about the fate of the despotic Syrian regime, which was a bitter enemy, but a weakened one that seemed to have made peace with Israel’s usurping of the strategic Golan Heights.

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What If Jews Rebuilt The Temple?: A New Book Imagines A Dark Future For The Jewish State

(REVIEW) Yishai Sarid’s novel “The Third Temple” was prescient when it debuted in Israel in 2015. Nearly 10 years later, Yardenne Greenspan’s English translation warns of the danger of the right-wing messianic movement and its ambition redraw the map of Israel and resume the biblical rhythms of life in the land.

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6 States Call Upon The ICC To Investigate The Situation Of Women In Afghanistan

(ANALYSIS) On Nov. 28, 2024, six state parties referred the “Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan” to the International Criminal Court, expressing concern about the severe deterioration of the human rights situation in Afghanistan, especially for women and girls.

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What Would Jesus Drink?: Exploring Wines From The Bible

(TRAVEL) Barring some extraordinary archeological findings (I'm not ruling that out), we will never know for sure. But the Bible and Judea provide some clues. Today's visitors to Israel have the chance to learn more about the Bible-wine connection through the new “Wines of the Bible Route.” The route journeys through Judea and traces the viticultural history of the area. Judea lies between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and includes two wine regions.

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Plight Of Iran’s Christians: Report Says Georgia Refusing Asylum Claims

Despite fears of persecution, the asylum claims of Iranian Christians have consistently been refused by Georgian authorities, a new report says. The claim, in a 24-page joint report by Article18, CSW, Open Doors and Middle East Concern, is based on interviews with the asylum-seekers and their lawyers. The report found that one-fifth of asylum-seekers in Georgia are Iranian, but few have gained entry.

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Crypto Is Soaring After Trump’s Election: Is It An Ethical Investment?

(ANALYSIS) An estimated 18 million Americans are invested in cryptocurrency, according to the Federal Reserve. And the United States just elected a pro-crypto president. But is cryptocurrency a good ethical investment?

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The Orange Economy: How Religion and AI Are Shaping Innovation

(ANALYSIS) The creative economy is about translating the inspiration of culture and ideas into high-value businesses and enterprises.  For billions of people around the world their faith is a big source of inspiration and creativity. Artificial intelligence will be a major disruptor of our economy. It will also allow many people to join the ranks of the creative economy like never before. In essence, faith has a role to play in the unfurling of the next chapter in humanity’s economic story.

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Ancient Holy Land Mosaic Helps Mark Museum Of The Bible’s ‘Special’ 7th Anniversary

What does a Roman centurion and an artist have in common with an ancient mosaic from the Holy Land more than 1,800 years ago? All are featured in the Megiddo Mosaic on display at the Museum of the Bible in an exhibit considered to be the oldest display of Christian faith in the world. The museum opened seven years ago this month.

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Mediha: A Yazidi Survivor Fights For A New Life After Enslavement

(ANALYSIS) Now, thanks to a brave young Yazidi woman, Mediha Ibrahim Alhamad, the struggle to reestablish life after years of enslavement is brought to the surface, with a documentary from director Hasan Oswald and executive producer Emma Thompson.

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‘To Be Human Is To Believe Freely’: Q&A With USCIRF Chair Stephen Schneck

Freedom of religion or belief, a right that speaks to something so deep-seated in each of us that it practically defines what it is to be human, is under attack in many parts of the world. Repressive laws, exclusion, deportation, imprisonment and out-and-out genocide threaten the liberty of far too many religious communities in far too many places.

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Israelis And Arabs Battle For Influence In Trump’s Second Term

As President-elect Donald Trump huddles with his transition team to shape his new cabinet, several influential figures who played a key role in his campaign’s outreach to Arab American voters in Michigan are pushing for him to adopt a more favorable stance toward Palestinians in a post-war effort for regional peace.

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Pope Francis Hails Final Synod Document As a Gift To God’s People

Addressing the Synod Assembly on Saturday evening, Pope Francis highlighted how the Final Document, written over the course of the 2nd Session of the Synod on Synodality that began on Oct. 2 following a process of listening and dialogue, is the fruit of over three years of listening to the People of God.

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Dutch Woman Faces Trial For Involvement In Crimes Against Yazidis

(ANALYSIS) Earlier this month, a trial of a Dutch member of Daesh, also known as the Islamic State group, began in The Hague, Netherlands. The Dutch national, known as Hasna A., is being tried for crimes against Yazidi women, representing a pivotal moment in the global fight for justice and accountability.

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