Posts tagged Easter
Christians In Ukraine Share Stories Of Evacuation, Separation And Grief

As Russian forces withdraw from the capital and western Ukraine, Christians in Ukraine report that they’re concerned attacks will intensify in the cities of the east, including Dnipro and Mariupol. In Mariupol, a port city that has been all but obliterated by Russian artillery, 33 Christians were taking refuge in the meeting place of a Church of Christ.

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Catholic Bishops Meet In Secret To Discuss ‘Culture War’ Issues: What Does It Mean For The Church?

(ANALYSIS) While Pope Francis was presiding over a ceremony at the Vatican to consecrate Ukraine and Russia, a group of high-ranking American bishops met in Chicago. The gathering, entitled “Pope Francis, Vatican II and the Way Forward,” aimed to create a dialogue between theologians and bishops.

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Catholic Parishes Celebrate Coming of Easter With Weekly Fish Fry Tradition

During Lent, many Catholic churches participate in fish fries, a meal containing battered or breaded fried fish. Served every Friday following Ash Wednesday, the meals served during the Christian season of repentance have become a mainstay for many Catholic churches who use them to raise money and build community.

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New Lenten Cookbook Gives Catholics Tasty Choices For ‘Meatless Fridays’

(REVIEW) Since many Catholics — ones in America in particular — are so carnivorous throughout much of the year, a new cookbook out just in time for Lent focuses on the very dilemma of what to eat on Fridays this month. Scott Hahn’s book “The Lenten Cookbook” from Sophia Institute Press serves up easy-to-make meals this spring.

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This ancient monastery may be where the tree for Jesus' cross was felled

The Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem is believed to mark the spot where the tree was felled to make the cross upon which Jesus was crucified. Several legends theorize about its founding, linked to Abraham’s nephew Lot; the mother of Byzantine Emperor Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor who sojourned in the Holy Land in 326; and Emperor Justinian in the 6th century, said to have founded the monastery at the behest of a Georgian prince.

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Gonzaga's namesake saint inspires NCAA Tournament run during the pandemic

Gonzaga (the saint) and Gonzaga (the basketball team) are two different things. Nonetheless, the patron saint of Christian youth (who also died in a pandemic) can help inspire the school to capture its first national championship.

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The Future Of ‘The Chosen’: Ambitious Plans And An Unconventional Season Two Premiere

Season two of “The Chosen”, the largest crowdfunded media project of all time that depicts the life of Jesus, will premiere on Easter Sunday. In a YouTube livestream announcement, creator Dallas Jenkins shared his plan to move all content to the show’s app and release the rest of the seasons by 2024.

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More churches reopening in time for Easter for first time since the pandemic began

Nationwide, some congregations across the country are reopening for the first time during Holy Week 2021. But pastors say that reopening their congregation is much more than simply cleaning up and unlocking the doors of the church. Their congregations are emotionally rocked and feeling the effects of disconnection.

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‘Resurrection’ Brings Family-Friendly Gospel Story to Streaming in Time for Easter

(REVIEW) “Resurrection,” which will premiere on streaming service Discovery+, tells the story of the Gospels from Jesus’ trial to the start of the early Christian church. If successful, it will pave the way for more family-friendly faith-based content.

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Armchair Pilgrims Can (Virtually) Walk Jesus' 40-Day Fast From Desert To Cross

Franciscans in the Holy Land, a Catholic order that’s preserved Christian sites in Jerusalem since the Middle Ages, have celebrated Lent for years by following the path step by step that Jesus may have taken nearly 2,000 years ago on his 40-day fasting journey through the Judean Desert.

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Religious tour operators hope for a better 2021 following coronavirus travel restrictions

Popular pilgrimage destinations like Jerusalem and Rome have seen a massive drop in religious travelers, especially during Passover, Easter and this past summer.

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One Year Later, Sri Lankan Easter Bombing Survivors Rely On Their Faith To Recover

The coordinated Easter 2019 terrorist attack in Sri Lanka killed 290 people and injured about 500 others at three churches and three hotels. Survivors struggle to pay for their medical treatment and regain financial stability, despite government compensation, and insist their faith in Jesus has grown even stronger.

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Quarantines Resurrect Church Attendance Just In Time For Easter

With a long-trending decline in the number of Americans who identify as Christian, stay-at-home orders are testing churches’ ability to maintain connections with followers or lose more of their flocks. During Holy Week, many churches report higher views online than can fit in their sanctuaries. Some are even hosting virtual activities like an Easter egg hunt to engage kids.

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Finding answers to the pandemic in the writings of Saint Pope John Paul II

(OPINION) Who’s to blame for the coronavirus pandemic? It’s not really a difficult whodunit to figure out. Just look to a system that rejects God and freedom: China’s Communist Party for the culprit.

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