(ANALYSIS) I like studying an organization like the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It’s a self-selected collection of individuals who become members and pay dues because they feel it’s a good use of their time and resources. But how much do members of a group like FFRF represent the larger nonreligious group they come from?
Read MoreOnce upon a time, a MAGA-hat adorned teen at the annual March for Life — Nicholas Sandmann, by name — offered an enigmatic smile while a Native American activist pounded a drum in his face. Mainstream journalists were certain that this Donald Trump-era incident was a big news story and used oceans of digital ink while covering it.
Read MoreIn some ways, McDonald's is like a church. Nearly every town has one. And people of all kinds are welcome.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Before the final session of a Synod of Bishops that concludes at the Vatican October 27, much printer’s ink was spilled because Pope Francis removed the issue of allowing women deacons from the agenda.
Read More(INTERVIEW) For the first time since 2009, the New York Yankees have made it to the World Series, where they will play an erstwhile favorite team of New York Jews, the Los Angeles Dodgers, formerly of Brooklyn. The fabled New York history of America’s pastime deserves another look as the Yankees and Dodgers face off in the 2024 World Series, a bicoastal series that will showcase the best of baseball.
Read MoreA series of recent court cases in several states regarding faith and schools have tested the separation of church and state guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, but variously interpreted by legal experts and judges. Questions of separation of church and state will likely be settled by the nation’s highest court.
Read More(OPINION) Pop quiz: What do you imagine God was doing before creation, back then in eternity past? Many answer how, in eternity past, God chose us before the foundation of the earth to be part of the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. True, except that in eternity, there is no such thing as time back then, before creation. Eternity is timeless.
Read MoreRepublican leaders have been pushing for Christian values in public schools, with mixed results. Many Christians are disillusioned with both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, and the polls suggest that many may not vote in the upcoming election.
Read More(OPINION) This past weekend, we celebrated our 25th annual missions conference, thanking God for the amazing testimonies from our faithful workers who have served on the mission field worldwide, often quite sacrificially.
Read More(OPINION) This moment in time is not solely about Harris becoming the first Black and Asian woman as a presidential nominee. This historic juncture, in particular for Black girls and women, bridges the hopes and dreams from our past, the tangible opportunities of the present and the limitless possibilities for the future.
Read More(ANALYSIS) In her campaign against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump — whose 2016 victory angered her — the Harris team has used Doritos as a symbol of the feisty, combative side of the vice president’s personality.
Read MoreThe election is not only coming on the heels of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks, but nine days after the sixth anniversary of the Tree of Life massacre, where a gunman murdered 11 Jews. The election has further divided the community, with disagreements over Israel’s response and whether former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris is best suited to handle the fallout.
Read MoreAmid the ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur, a group of Salesian nurses are helping women combat drug addiction. Manipur — an Indian state nestled in the mountains along the border with Myanmar — has been gripped by ethnic violence since last year. Approximately 250 people have been killed and tens of thousands displaced.
Read MoreNo publicity has gone to women who have chosen a different path. The Catholic Church, for example, opposes aborting the handicapped unborn on the grounds that all life — no matter how disabled — has “inherent dignity.” This debate has been reignited as Vice President Kamala Harris, who favors expanding abortion rights, runs for president.
Read MoreChristian men and women use pornography more today than in 2016 when Barna spotlighted the sin among pastors and congregants, an updated study found in calling the church to be a place of healing for those impacted by the pervasive and destructive phenomenon.
Read MoreVice President Kamala Harris has chosen Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in part to appeal to white working-class male voters, but the gender gap continues to persist. The Harris-Walz campaign has been ramping up its outreach to male voters and Walz has been deployed to the frontlines of that campaign.
Read MoreTo Latvia’s north, the former Soviet nation of Estonia also shares an eastern border with Russia — and Churches of Christ there share the concerns of their brothers and sisters to the south. “For Estonians, it has never been a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ about a war or a threat to their freedom.”
Read MoreAmerican churchgoers are looking for more than biblical explanation from their pastor each week. Many expect the sermons to help them understand and address modern cultural issues. Four in five U.S. Protestant churchgoers believe a pastor must address current issues to be doing their job, according to a Lifeway Research study. Only 16% disagree and 4% aren’t sure.
Read MoreThe flood waters trapped one of Geren Street’s neighbors as he tried to escape in his truck. First responders were able to answer the neighbor’s distress call and freed him as the force of the water pinned the truck door closed. In the days that followed, Street housed the man at First Baptist Church of Roan Mountain along with several other families who lost everything.
Read MoreWith two weeks left until Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris has made visiting churches an integral stop along the campaign trail, urging voters to cast early ballots as part of her “souls to the polls” campaign. The push comes as Harris attempts to motivate Black Christians who have traditionally been a part of the Democratic Party’s voter base.
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