Posts in Opinion
Could St. John Paul II’s ‘Theology of the Body’ Spur A New Christian Revolution?

(OPINION) What St. John Paul II taught was so wondrously beautiful that it took listeners some time to begin to grasp the significance of it. One of the first was his biographer, George Wiegel. He described the theology of the body as “a kind of theological time-bomb set to go off with dramatic consequences … perhaps in the 21st century.” I hope he’s right.

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Jesus vs. John Wick: Loving Killers More Than The Savior 

(OPINION) Jesus instructs us to be meek and gentle the way our authority figures have always instilled in us, following Jesus can feel like giving into more social conformity. Jesus, it seems, does not seem to be either able or willing to protect us when we need it or to give us a model for how to protect ourselves and those we love.

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Wake Up World Before Jewish Blood Is Shed In Your Country

(OPINION) I am urging you. I am pleading with you. I am imploring you. Wake up! The irrational hatred of the Jewish people and the demonizing of Israel is reaching proportions so dangerous that if people of conscience do not stand up, speak out, and push back, Jewish blood will start flowing in America, England, and many other countries around the world.

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How The Sexual Revolution Killed The Hollywood Rom-Com

(OPINION) There’s good reason to believe that at least part of the decline in rom-coms comes from the fact that a large part of the audience just doesn’t believe in romance anymore. Fewer and fewer people are getting married and increasingly people are disillusioned with dating. And this is bleeding its way into people’s viewing preferences.

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Keeping The Faith: Texas Rangers Win The World Series

(OPINION) As I celebrate the Rangers taking me higher “to a place with golden streets,” I can’t help but draw parallels between baseball and Christian life. The ups and downs. The perseverance required. The journey together with those of like minds. The promise of an indescribable reward at the end.

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🇺🇸 Culture Warrior: Inside The Faith Of New House Speaker Mike Johnson 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in delves into the faith and politics of new House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Upcoming Supreme Court Case Could Be A Huge Religion-Beat Sleeper Story

(OPINION) The Supreme Court soon takes up Loper Bright v. Raimondo, which has interested the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Christian Employers Alliance. Meanwhile, the court could decide this term to take up four disputes that are pending in the pipeline with religion implications.

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A Rabbi’s Cry Of Pain Following Oct. 7 Terror Attacks

(OPINION) The news only seems to get worse whenever Jews venture online, even when digging into their social-media feeds, said Rabbi Sharon Brous, in a viral sermon at her progressive IKAR (“essence”) congregation in Los Angeles. If the Holocaust is the “dominant psychic reality of the Jew,” it's impossible not to view news reports through “Shoah-colored glasses.”

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Why I Choose To Stand For Peace In The Israeli-Arab Conflict

(OPINION) Caution is imperative by both Muslim and Jewish communities. There is no need to be added to a list of victims of these hate crimes as these lists are mere numbers to the world. It does not matter if you are pro-Palestine or pro-Israel. What matters most is humanity and being pro-peace.

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America’s Renewal Depends On The Third Creative Minority

(OPINION) If the sons of Judah were history’s first creative minority, and America’s renewal depends on the creative minority, and Catholic astronomers in China were the second creative minority, then I’m praying for a third creative minority. The books of Jeremiah and Daniel provide some of the details regarding becoming the creative minority.

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🇮🇱 Israel-Hamas War: Questions About The End Of The World 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the latest religion news related to the Israel-Hamas war. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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The World Series Reflects Life And What Little We Can Control

(OPINION) Let’s start with Chapter 9 of Ecclesiastes: “Under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.” Baseball is different from basketball, where a perfect shot will go into the basket. In baseball, it’s possible to hit a ball so hard — yet a well-positioned fielder can catch it.

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Dorothy Sayers’ Christian Faith: Murder Mysteries, Theology And Classical Ed

(OPINION) With a flair for the dramatic, Sayers required British mystery writers to take an oath, which included: “Do you promise that your detectives shall well and truly detect the crimes presented to them, using those wits which it may please you to bestow upon them and not placing reliance on, or making use of, Divine Revelation, Feminine Intuition, Mumbo-Jumbo, Jiggery-Pokery, Coincidence or the Act of God?”

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Pope Francis Enforces Secrecy Even While Saying That He Hopes For ‘Synodality’

(OPINION) There’s no better indicator of how fraught things have become in the upper echelons of the Catholic Church than Pope Francis’ surprising last-minute decision to clamp strict secrecy upon his all-important Synod of Bishops. This Vatican assembly, very likely the major event of his reign, is running through Oct. 29 with a second, concluding session a year from now.

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Every One Of Us Lives On The Cusp Of Cataclysms

(OPINION) It’s not in any way trivializing the ongoing horrors in the Middle East to point out that all of us are equally vulnerable to our own private apocalypses. What does good religion say to us at times such as this — and at all times? Plenty, actually.

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An Essayist Evangelizes Readers For Atheism

(OPINION) The Washington Post recently featured an unusually lengthy newspaper essay by Kate Cohen, a contributing columnist. Cohen’s takeaways are that religion is irrational, there are a lot more atheists out there than you’d imagine, that they should share their beliefs widely and that atheists make demonstrably better citizens than do the religious. But for me, Cohen’s essay is also misleading.

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🇮🇱 Israel-Hamas War: The Crucial Role Of Religion In The Deadly Conflict 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the crucial religion angles related to the Israel-Hamas war. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Can The International Criminal Court Respond To The Israel-Gaza War?

(OPINION) The most urgent action needed is the return of the hostages and the provision of assistance to all those affected. It is also crucial to protect civilians from further harm. Furthermore, justice and accountability are key. This raises the question in relation to the involvement of the International Criminal Court.

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