(ANALYSIS) One of the most impactful cultural changes in 21st-century America has been the steady decline in Christian vitality, as measured by membership, baptisms versus funerals, worship attendance, practices, and perceptions. Two major new social science surveys suggest that this decline may have bottomed out — though statistics about secularizing youth give believers ample reason to worry about the future.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Pilgrims would journey across continents to light candles beneath their frescoed domes, whisper prayers into the cool stone walls, and gaze upon centuries-old icons bathed in flickering candlelight. These sites are much more than buildings. They are testaments to Greece’s spiritual, cultural and historical identity. Yet today, that serenity is under attack.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Last month, the U.N. Human Rights Council adopted a resolution agreeing to establish a fact-finding mission on the serious human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law committed in the provinces of North Kivu and South Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Using FIRE’s recent survey of a bunch of college and university students, let me show you the religious composition of Harvard and Yale, compared to Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, which is the epitome of a directional university in a flyover state.
Read MoreIn a California meeting, Compelling Preaching Initiative participants enjoyed how-to sessions on the content, crafting and delivery of sermons as well as one-on-one coaching and fellowship with other men — and women — of God.
Read MoreWriting a news feature about the life and work of historian Martin E. Marty requires two things — lots of numbers about what he accomplished and stories about how he managed to get so much done, as a scholar, teacher, colleague, mentor and friend.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Five hundred years ago, in the winter of 1524-1525, bands of peasants roamed the German countryside seeking recruits. It was the start of the German Peasants’ War, the largest uprising in Europe before the French Revolution. The peasants’ goal was to overturn serfdom and create a fairer society grounded on the Christian Bible.
Read More(ANALYSIS) My interest was piqued by a single question in the NSRL: “Would you perform the wedding of a same-sex couple if your religious group allowed it?” The reason I like it so much is because it doesn’t ask the respondent to describe the official position of their denomination; it asks the respondent about their personal position on the issue.
Read MoreSome of the nation’s top religion writers offer insights on what they found surprising — and not surprising — in the Pew Research Center’s massive Religious Landscape Study.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Prince Karim Aga Khan, who died on Feb. 4, served as the religious leader of Ismaili Muslims around the world since being appointed as the 49th hereditary imam in 1957. He came to be known around the world for his enormous work on global development issues and other philanthropic work.
Read More(ANALYSIS) This fertility issue has both political and religious (#DUH) implications.
Read More(ANALYSIS) While many ask if Foxworthy does "Christian comedy," he said he never considered that career path, since “if I do that, the only people I talk to are Christians.” However, he added: “I do think humor is one of the attributes of God, and I don't know that a lot of people are freed up to see God in that light.”
Read More(ANALYSIS) People want to know where the Cooperative Baptists are, or the Nazarenes, or the Wesleyans, or the Unitarian Universalists. I’ve done this enough to know that everyone wants to see their own tradition included in analysis. Let me pull back the curtain just a bit on why my favorite response has become, “I’m data limited.”
Read MoreAn original aspect of “Believe” is Douthat’s suggestions about how to pick a path among so many faith options. He proposes that quests focus on tried-and-true religions that attract the most adherents, in order of size, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. (Judaism, far smaller, broadly fits the Christian outlook). That’s a notably open-minded approach coming from Zondervan, an evangelical publisher.
Read More(ANALYSIS) If Musk is anything, it’s audience-savvy. To get to the position he now finds himself in, aligning with Christian values wasn’t just wise, it was necessary. With the MAGA base increasingly rallying against progressive secularism, Musk’s newfound faith acts as a bridge to this vital demographic. Cynical? Absolutely. But the wealthiest man in the world didn’t build his empire by ignoring optics.
Read More(ANALYSIS) On Feb. 13, a federal criminal court in Buenos Aires, Argentina, ordered arrest warrants against 25 Myanmar military leaders and officials for their involvement in the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya community.
Read MoreAt the five-year anniversary of COVID-19, our columnist reflects on his brother-in-law’s near-death battle with the contagious virus.
Read Moreis the Wheaton war about Donald Trump? Yes — and no. Accurate reporting requires information noting that campus conflicts of this kind have been raging — yes, often behind the scenes and out of the headlines — for decades. The conflicts are doctrinal, cultural and sometimes political. But doctrine is the most crucial reality in these voluntary, private, academic communities.
Read More(ANALYSIS) This past Feb. 15 marked the 10th anniversary of Daesh (the Islamic State group or ISIL) releasing the video of the murder of 21 men on a beach in Libya. The majority of them were Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christians who were abducted from Sirte, Libya, between December 2014 and January 2015. One of the men was from Ghana and chose to stay with the Coptic men and face the same fate.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Many of the ad's photographs are easy to interpret, such as a man removing “GO BACK” graffiti from a home, a woman helping a weeping man in a grocery store, a firefighter hard at work and a young football player comforting a defeated opponent. But the John 3:16 hat raised the theological stakes in the pride photograph.
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