Posts tagged Quakers
Why I Can’t Tell You How Quakers (Or Unitarians) Voted In 2024

(ANALYSIS) People want to know where the Cooperative Baptists are, or the Nazarenes, or the Wesleyans, or the Unitarian Universalists. I’ve done this enough to know that everyone wants to see their own tradition included in analysis. Let me pull back the curtain just a bit on why my favorite response has become, “I’m data limited.”

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‘Underground’ Ballet Promotes Equality and Justice With A Dose Of Faith

“Underground,” the Kansas City ballet that tells the story of slaves escaping to freedom through the Underground Railroad, is “not a story of Black versus white, but good versus evil.” The show, which first premiered in 2008 at the Störling Dance Theater, is a beautiful ballet with a strong mission — something this shared sentiment can attest to.

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The Fight For Women’s Suffrage: An Iconic Moment Shaped By Quaker Beliefs On Gender

(ANALYSIS) The two-day Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of the movement for women’s suffrage, which would be granted 70 years later by the ratification of the 19th Amendment of the Constitution. And it likely wouldn’t have happened without Quakers.

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What Canst Thou Say? A 17th Century Quaker Cry For Modern Deconstructionists

(OPINION) Because a key tenet of Quakerism is continuing revelation, Quakerism has become a safe place to explore spiritual journeys and learn what your own Inner Light is saying to you. It was the echo I saw between the early Quakers and the current seekers and the need I saw for an in-flesh community that led me to advocate for a workshop to explore those ideas.

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