Posts in Opinion
Listening to Spiritual Queries In Mass Media

(OPINION) During the 1990s, legions of kids could quote chapter and verse from “The X-Files,” the adventures of FBI special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Scully was the skeptic who put her faith in science, while Mulder plunged headfirst into the supernatural. But in one case, Scully experienced mysterious visions that helped her save a life. Stunned, she returned to church. Confessing to a priest, she asked why she witnessed a miracle but her partner did not.

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Wisconsin Artist Spotlights The Jewishness Of Jesus

(OPINION) As an artist and as a person of faith, Clara Maria Goldstein is difficult to pigeonhole. Raised as a Roman Catholic in her native Nicaragua, she moved to the United States with a 1 year-old daughter, Alejandra, in the 1980s at age 21. 

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Hamas Never Wanted Peace with Israel

(OPINION) In the midst of the horrors of the last week, it’s important to remember that Hamas has never wanted peace with Israel. Instead, the express goal of Hamas since its inception was the destruction of Israel. As stated in its first charter, published in 1988, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” It was — and is — the mission of Hamas to obliterate Israel, not make peace with Israel.

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Centuries Of Theology Loom Over This Question: Is Ukraine A ‘Just War’?

(OPINION) Is Ukraine a “just war”? The good news for Russia’s Vladimir Putin: A significant national leader announces that his invasion of Ukraine is a “just fight” that will end with “a great victory in the sacred struggle.” The bad news: The speaker is North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, so what’s “just” is defined by probably the most despised despot on the planet and what’s “sacred” by an atheist who works to exterminate all religion.

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As Death Toll Climbs, The War Becomes Personal For Every Israeli

(ESSAY) We heard the multiple boom of Israel’s air defense system — known as Iron Dome — intercepting a rocket barrage fired from Gaza. The strike lit up the sky. The threat was over, at least until the next alert. Nearly 1,000 Israeli civilians had been killed, including 260 massacred at the Nova Music Festival near Kibbutz Re’im, after Hamas on Saturday launched a surprise attack.

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Open And Raw Reflections On The Murderous Attack Against Israel

(OPINION) As news was breaking on Saturday and we were learning about the atrocities that were taking place in Israel, I immediately wrote an article. But even as I was writing, the news kept getting worse. How could this be happening? It turns out that things were far worse than we could have imagined. Here are some open, honest, raw reflections on the last 48 hours.

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Israel Under Attack: Day Of Rejoicing Turns to Horror  

(OPINION) Heartbreak. Shock. Agony. Devastation. Confusion. Rage. These are just a few of the emotions flooding the hearts of millions of Israelis in the midst of an unprecedented terrorist attack by Hamas. This is a time to stop and pray for the merciful intervention of God.

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🌏 The Pope, The Nones And An Embattled Pastor: Top Religion Reads Around The World 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in covers the latest on the Catholic Church’s big synod. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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New Football Stadium Was An Oasis In A Desert Of Troubles

(OPINION) What I’ve retained about Sept. 15, 1973, is more a feeling than details of a game. It’s an impression. It’s an aura of happiness and relief. In Commonwealth Stadium, amid all the opening day hubbub, Dad and I seemed almost magically removed from our outside lives. In a desert of private unhappiness, we’d stumbled on an oasis: a place where a band played, people laughed and the hot dogs were tasty. Our tension eased.

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Tribute To David Roger Jowitt: Last Brit In The Nigerian Academy

(OPINION) The world has lost a witness to the counter-narrative of love and service that are possible between people of different races with the death of my friend David Jowitt. Professor of English at the University of Jos in Plateau State in Nigeria, he was the last British person in the university system there.

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Here’s One Thing Preachers Need To Avoid When Delivering Sermons

(OPINION) Kids do say the darndest things, and with decades of pulpit experience, the Rev. Joe McKeever has learned that these revelatory remarks often happen just after church. In one case, a parent shared a question from a perplexed child who struggled with a complex McKeever sermon. Thus, the 7-year-old asked: “Why does Pastor Joe think we need this information?”

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The Kind Of Leadership The Church Needs Now

(OPINION) My father, who recently died at age 92, often said, “The older we get, the better we were.” This expression is a succinct, if folksy, way of describing the common practice of historical revisionism. But Christians tend to engage in revisionism, too. If progressives denigrate the past, many Christians and conservatives sentimentalize the past.

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Rosh Hashanah Reflections And The Need for Genuine Support

(OPINION) Distress and hopelessness are typically met not with plans of action or offers of assistance, but with a pat on the head and 15 different versions of ‘You can do it” or “You’ll survive.” But not everyone can do it, and people die. There are horrors beyond our control. No amount of cute and sweet clichés will save the heartbroken and the hopeless. Such phrases may, however, make them feel isolated and even more vulnerable.

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In An Anxious Age, Here Are Common-Sense Ways To De-Stress

(OPINION) As one who’s prone to be anxious about — well, about nearly everything — I’ve spent a good deal of my life looking for ways to de-stress. So allow me to offer a few reminders about dealing with presidential indictments, global warming, nightmarish customer service, artificial intelligence, road rage, grouchy spouses and troublesome offspring — without imploding.

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⛪️ Sin, Resolve And Blackface: The Latest News From The Southern Baptist Convention 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the latest news from the Southern Baptist Convention. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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United Methodist Bishop Offers A Meditation On His Own Death

(OPINION) There was nothing unusual in the early 1970s about a student hearing one of his professors preach during chapel. But one sermon — “How Would You Like to Die?” — impressed the seminarian who would later become United Methodist Bishop Timothy Whitaker of Florida. Theologian Claude H. Thompson had terminal cancer and, a few months later, his funeral was held in the same chapel at the Candler School of Theology in Atlanta.

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