Posts tagged Ask Dr. Brown
Enough Already with the Pro-Trump Prophecies!

(OPINION) My issue with Donald Trump supporters is not political at all. It is spiritual. It is prophetic. It is about the honor of the Lord and the reputation of the Spirit. It is about credibility. And if there is a prophetic word that God is speaking now about the 2024 elections, it is simply this: “Enough already with the Donald Trump prophecies!”

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Grieving For The Suffering Of The Palestinian People

(OPINION) In many ways the Palestinians are victims, and my strong support for Israel does not stop me from grieving over the suffering of the Palestinian people. They have been victims of decades of bad leadership. Victims of lifelong anti-Israel propaganda. Victims of the aftermath of the Six Day War in 1967.

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Hamas Never Wanted Peace with Israel

(OPINION) In the midst of the horrors of the last week, it’s important to remember that Hamas has never wanted peace with Israel. Instead, the express goal of Hamas since its inception was the destruction of Israel. As stated in its first charter, published in 1988, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” It was — and is — the mission of Hamas to obliterate Israel, not make peace with Israel.

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A Redemptive Perspective on the Current Leadership Crisis in America

(OPINION) The current state of the world creates a real feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, as if everything is old and crumbling, as if nothing is stable or trustworthy, as if no one is clean. This is where we step in, not to preach religion but to preach Jesus, not to sell a product or a personality but to point people to the only One who can truly save and deliver and forgive and transform.

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Antisemitism Is Alive and (Un)well All Over the Internet Today

(OPINION) Today, “the longest and deepest hatred of human history” shows no signs of abating. This is especially true online, where the worst aspects of humanity get free expression, where conspiracy theories of the ugliest kind abound, and where the most uncredentialed, unqualified person can gain a following. This is fertile ground for antisemitism.

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It Is the Shepherd, Not The Sheep, Who Is Smart

(OPINION) We are just dumb sheep — meaning, dumb compared to the wisdom and knowledge of God and compared to the challenges we face in this world, despite the wisdom we gain by experience and the knowledge we gain through the Word. For me, that brings tremendous comfort.

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Are Religious Debates Fruitful?

(OPINION) For the last 40 years, I have engaged in scores of public debates on religious subjects, sometimes drawing passionate, standing-room-only crowds. But are the debates actually fruitful? Do they bring more heat than light? Do they really change anyone’s mind?

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Was Esau-Edom White? Demolishing Hebrew Israelite Lies (Part 1)

(OPINION) One of the most common (and pernicious) Hebrew Israelite lies is that Isaac and Rebekah’s son Esau, also known as Edom, was White and that Whites today are his descendants, vilified as “White Edomite Devils.”

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Why So Much Hatred Against Jews?

(OPINION) Why is it that, “among all racial and religious groups, Jews remain the greatest hate crime target”? And why is it that Jews are targeted by both White supremacists and Black supremacists? I began documenting this more than 30 years ago. It is even worse today.

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‘Vengeance Is Mine’ Says The Lord, Not Ours — Or Trump’s

(OPINION) “I am your retribution,” former President Donald Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But rather than try to destroy our enemies or bring retribution on them, our goal should be their conversion and transformation. That is the radical Jesus way.

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We Cannot Give In To The Distractions Of The Modern World

(OPINION) No generation in history has had so many distractions to deal with. No generation in history has had so many temptations. No generation in history has had so much entertainment and defilement available right at our fingertips (quite literally). That means that it is much harder to live consecrated, undistracted lives for the Lord — lives that are free from the contamination of sin and the saturation of the world.

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After Our Corporate Humiliation, God Is Pouring Out His Spirit On The Church

(OPINION) The refiner’s fire has come to the church of America in the last few years, bringing our impurities to the surface for the world to see. And those fires will continue to burn in our land, bringing us to deeper repentance. But the Spirit is also being poured out as well.

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No, The Holocaust Is Not Just One Of Many Tragic Events Of Human History

(OPINION) According to a tone-deaf editorial published on Holocaust Remembrance Day in the Kentucky Courier Journal, “Jews do not have a monopoly on persecution and atrocities,” and “Hitler was just one of many dictators.” But it is right and fitting to commemorate the singular sufferings of particular people or nations, as in the Holocaust.

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In Times Of Crisis, Americans Pray to God

(OPINION) Around the nation, in response to the life-threatening injury to Buffalo Bills football player Damar Hamlin, people prayed. Hamlin’s teammates and coaches prayed. Millions of fans joined in prayer, tweeting their support. Even on live TV, sports commentators stopped in the middle of their broadcast to pray. But this is only natural. During times of crisis, especially life and death crisis, people turn to God.

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Will American Jews Abandon The Democratic Party?

(OPINION) Why is it that, generally speaking, Jews in different parts of the world tend to lean centrist or right — quite the opposite of things here in the U.S? There is an anomaly when it comes to Jewish voting, but Orthodox Jewish voters are looking more like White evangelicals.

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