Posts in Opinion
Two Documentaries Portray Religious Groups Capitalizing On Fear And Shame

(OPINION) Two recent documentary series offer distressing portraits of Christian organizations that, although unrelated, appear eerily similar. Both movements gained prominence in part by instilling fear and shame in their members. Both have reaped abuse, scandal and decline.

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July 4, 2023: Thoughts About Our Divided United States And Potential For A ‘Civil War’

(OPINION) What ails the United States of America? Why have some serious thinkers even talked about a second civil war? Both journalists and religious leaders should be pondering that on July 4. Consider some recent media coverage.

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‘Padre Pio’ Is A Good Film For Those Who, Like The Saint, Can Watch With Pure Minds

(OPINION) “Padre Pio” might not be for most folks. They don’t see the “hidden” knowledge of God in our being created as naked and unashamed. They instead associate all nudity with pornography. That’s because we’re a porn-saturated society. It’s estimated that 46%–74% of men and 16%–41% of women in the US are active pornography users.

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How Are Houses of Worship Like Retail Stores? Changing Channels Of Distribution

(OPINION) Houses of worship are in decline. One reason is Americans’ waning interest in religious institutions. Another may be the change in consumer behavior away from the “average” and toward the large, the online and the small but specialized. Houses of worship can develop hope by learning from the experiences of the retail, financial-services and health care industries.

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Kentucky Methodists Are Dividing — And Division Is An Age-Old Tradition In Itself

(OPINION) I hate to see Christian groups, whether large or small, break up. But they do. Regularly. It seems fitting to put this development into some historical perspective. Church splits aren’t the exception; they’re the rule. The history of Christianity sometimes seems to be one division after another, endlessly, each split as agonizing for those involved as the previous ones were for earlier generations.

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Evolving Journalism Doctrines: Associated Press Adds Clarity On The ‘T’ In LGBTQ+

(OPINION) On June 2, the AP editorial team issued an updated “Transgender Coverage Topical Guide” that’s very timely, and not just because June is Pride Month. This latest update is yet another step to embrace changes linked to the sexual revolution. Meanwhile, the Public Religion Research Institute released a poll showing U.S. opinion is getting more conservative on these matters.

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🏛️ A Year After Roe's Overturning, Here's Where The Religious Debate On Abortion Stands 🔌 

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the one-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Wisconsin Court Shouldn’t Confine Religion Within Church Walls

(OPINION) Later this year, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will take up the issue of whether a Catholic charity is “religious” enough to qualify for the legal benefits that apply to religious organizations. The major question that the justices will consider is whether the organizations are more “charitable” than “religious.”

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Behind the Duggar Smile: Family’s Troubling Connection to Bill Gothard’s IBLP Uncovered

(REVIEW) “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets” is the latest docuseries from Amazon Prime that focuses on the family and their connections to the nonprofit organization Institute in Basic Life Principles, created by an unordained teacher named Bill Gothard, who was based in the Chicago suburb of Oak Brook, Ill.

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What Has Changed In The DNA Of The Southern Baptist Convention?

(OPINION) The issue isn’t who is a Baptist and who is not. Church historians struggle to count the number of organized Baptist groups, and thousands of Baptist churches are totally independent. The question is whether the SBC’s DNA has changed in ways that will affect local churches, as well as agencies, boards and seminaries at the state and national levels.

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Antisemitism Is Alive and (Un)well All Over the Internet Today

(OPINION) Today, “the longest and deepest hatred of human history” shows no signs of abating. This is especially true online, where the worst aspects of humanity get free expression, where conspiracy theories of the ugliest kind abound, and where the most uncredentialed, unqualified person can gain a following. This is fertile ground for antisemitism.

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How Prison Made Me A Better Bible Teacher

(OPINION) When I taught in prison, the students expressed more gratitude than I ever knew in any other setting. Any notion of the utilitarian foundation of education was reduced to ashes. These men were not coming to learn so they could get jobs or pad their resumes; they were coming for edification. They were coming to learn, to grow, to love.

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200-Plus North American Muslim Authorities Join The Sexuality Culture Wars

(OPINION) North America’s Christian and Jewish leaders have long been active, politically and legally, in taking differing sides on same-sex and transgender issues. Authorities in Islam are comparatively disengaged. That changes in dramatic fashion with a new declaration of alarm from a broad group of 59 authorities, quickly joined by 150 further endorsers from Muslim organizations and local mosques.

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⛪︎ 5 Key Takeaways From The Southern Baptist Convention's Annual Meeting In New Orleans 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in provides five takeaways from the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting in New Orleans. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Pat Robertson: A Broadcaster Who Preached To His Own Choir

(OPINION) Pat Robertson avoided blunt faith language when facing the press during that high-wire political campaign. However, he kept blending subtle biblical references into remarks about economics, foreign policy and hot cultural issues. He knew fans of his daily “The 700 Club” broadcasts could break the code.

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A Modest Alternative To Posting The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

(OPINION) There’s no evidence that hanging the Ten Commandments on school walls curbs rowdy youthful hormones. As a tool for improving schoolkids’ behavior, that’s a zero. If you absolutely felt compelled to post something Christian, why wouldn’t you post something straight from the lips of Jesus himself?

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What Is Christian about (Swedish) Christian Democrats?

(OPINION) Given the insistence of this party that it is based on Christian values, it is worth exploring what those values are, is there a coherent set of ideas that this party stands for, and how these values and ideas relate to something we could meaningfully call Christianity.

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📺 The Legacy Of Pat Robertson, Televangelist Known For Mixing Religion And Politics 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in covers the death of Pat Robertson at age 93. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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