(ANALYSIS) It seems like I get asked about the transgender issue nearly every day. I readily admit that it may be the most caustic and divisive social issue of this era of the culture war. My goal here is to give you the very best estimates possible about the share of Americans who don’t currently identify as male or female in the U.S. and then describe the overall religiosity of this group.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The religious group that is the most likely to be straight is Muslims at 85%, followed closely by a whole bunch of other groups such as Protestants, Catholics, “just Christians” and Hindus. But here’s a really big surprise to me — only 78% of Latter-day Saints in college say that they are straight.
Read More(OPINION) On June 2, the AP editorial team issued an updated “Transgender Coverage Topical Guide” that’s very timely, and not just because June is Pride Month. This latest update is yet another step to embrace changes linked to the sexual revolution. Meanwhile, the Public Religion Research Institute released a poll showing U.S. opinion is getting more conservative on these matters.
Read More(OPINION) News about transgender issues tends to ignore medical morality, especially concerning underaged youths, and how various religious groups understand gender and why. Journalists should take notice when four vigorous arguments on the religious aspect appear in the space of just six days.
Read MoreKen Starr, known for his investigation into a marital affair by President Bill Clinton, spoke Wednesday on the rights of all people including Christians. His visit coincided with news of a Leesburg, Va., elementary school teacher who was suspended from his job for refusing to refer to a biological boy as a girl and vice versa.
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