Posts tagged Antisemitism
A Religious Origin Story: Superhero Comics Tell The Story Of Jewish America

(ANALYSIS) The American comics industry was largely started by the children of Jewish immigrants. Like most publishing in the early 20th century, it was centered in New York, home to the country’s largest Jewish population. Though they were still a very small minority, immigration had swelled the United States’ Jewish population more than a thousandfold: from roughly 3,000 in 1820 to roughly 3,500,000 in 1920.

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Trump’s Antisemitism Executive Order Takes On ‘Anti-American’ Universities

Trump’s executive order on antisemitism encourages the attorney general to use a federal law created to target the KKK and will direct federal agencies to tell colleges and universities to “monitor” and “report activities” by foreign students, staff and faculty for activities related to terrorism.

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What Unites Millions Around The ‘Free Palestine’ Cause?

(OPINION) There is no question that hatred of the state of Israel, and more broadly, hatred of the Jewish people, helps animate the pro-Palestinian cause. If people really cared about the Palestinians themselves, there would not be Palestinian refugee camps in countries like Lebanon and Syria, and the Palestinians would have been granted full citizenship in the surrounding Arab countries at some point after the 1948 war.

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Hamas Was Unpopular In Gaza Before It Attacked Israel

(ANALYSIS) Amid the escalation of the Israel-Hamas war, observers in the region and internationally continue to make assumptions about Gazan public support for Hamas. Mistaken assumptions such as those by U.S. presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, claiming that all Gazans are “antisemitic,” or those that blame Gazans for “electing Hamas” may shape debates not only on how the war is perceived, but also over relief plans for Gazans in the months ahead.

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Antisemitism Is Alive and (Un)well All Over the Internet Today

(OPINION) Today, “the longest and deepest hatred of human history” shows no signs of abating. This is especially true online, where the worst aspects of humanity get free expression, where conspiracy theories of the ugliest kind abound, and where the most uncredentialed, unqualified person can gain a following. This is fertile ground for antisemitism.

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‘Lashawan Qwadash’: One Of The Craziest Beliefs Of The Black Hebrew Israelites

(OPINION) Among a host of crazy Black Hebrew Israelite beliefs, one of the most bizarre is the idea that they have preserved the real pronunciation of the Hebrew language, which they call Lashawan Qwadash. This is similar to claiming that Pig Latin is the true form of English or that William Shakespeare was famous for shaking a spear. It is that patently and blatantly absurd.

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Why So Much Hatred Against Jews?

(OPINION) Why is it that, “among all racial and religious groups, Jews remain the greatest hate crime target”? And why is it that Jews are targeted by both White supremacists and Black supremacists? I began documenting this more than 30 years ago. It is even worse today.

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No, The Holocaust Is Not Just One Of Many Tragic Events Of Human History

(OPINION) According to a tone-deaf editorial published on Holocaust Remembrance Day in the Kentucky Courier Journal, “Jews do not have a monopoly on persecution and atrocities,” and “Hitler was just one of many dictators.” But it is right and fitting to commemorate the singular sufferings of particular people or nations, as in the Holocaust.

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No. 1 US Religion News Story? The Fall Of Roe V. Wade

(OPINION) Churches were always active in abortion debates, with some embracing centuries of doctrine on the sanctity of human life and others becoming strategic abortion-rights supporters. Thus journalists in the Religion News Association named the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade as the year’s top American religion-news story.

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