Posts in Opinion
Whatever Issue Is At Hand, It’s Likely None Of Your Business

(OPINION) Mostly we butt into other folks’ affairs because we’re control freaks who need to fix, or at least feel superior to, everyone else. Or, like Dear Abby’s correspondents, we’re nosy. Or we reap some type of social currency from getting the inside scoop and then passing it along to friends. Or we hope to deflect attention from our own shortcomings by calling attention to someone else’s.

None of those is a good look, is it?

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📊 Is America Losing Its Religion? 4 Intriguing Stats From A New National Survey 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights four takeaways from a new national survey on religion in public life. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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The Growing Gender Divide: Why Are Women So Woke?

(OPINION) Perhaps what we’re witnessing today relates to that old Churchill adage, “Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over thirty who is not a conservative has no brains.” Today, this is also working itself out along gender lines, not in a hard and fast way but in a consistent enough way that it can be documented. Does this explain it all?

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This Young Pop Star Is Pushing The Deadliest Pills of All

(OPINION) It is one thing to push pills that could lead to death because of overdose or abuse. It is another thing to push pills that are designed to kill. But that’s just what one young pop star is doing – a pop star with 36.7 million Instagram followers. I’m speaking of Olivia Rodrigo.

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In 2024, I’ve Come To Value Kindness Above All

(OPINION) Ever since I turned 35, I’ve tried to use this time of year to take stock, to evaluate where I’ve been over the previous 12 months, where I stand now and where I see myself going. Some years nothing much has changed. Other years much has changed, and I find myself contradicting what I’ve said previously. Here goes for 2024.

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🏆 Hello, Adelle: Longtime RNS Journalist To Receive Lifetime Achievement Award 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights Adelle M. Banks’ selection as the Religion News Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Why Can’t We Just Let Queer Kids Be Kids?

(OPINION) I can’t say whether all the countless new gender permutations are legitimate. Maybe some are more social contagion or attention-seeking rather than biological predestination. Who knows? What really matters is that I’ve got grandkids. Five of them. Each unique in marvelous, remarkable, illuminating ways. And I love them.

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🤷🏻‍♀️ Are The Feds Still Investigating Southern Baptist Sex Abuse? That's A Good Question 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in delves into reports the U.S. Justice Department has ended its investigation of Southern Baptist sex abuse. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Christian Nationalism: Is It A Threat To Democracy?

(OPINION) Are you a Christian nationalist if you love Jesus and love your country? Are you a Christian nationalist if you are simply a patriotic Christian? Are you a Christian nationalist if you believe that America was founded on Christian principles and that, the more we adhere to those principles the more our nation will be blessed? And were the Founding Fathers Christian nationalists?

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As War In Gaza Rages On, the Latest Despicable Anti-Israel Lie

(OPINION) According to a quote widely attributed to Winston Churchill, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” This is absolutely true when it comes to reporting about Israel, except even more so. We could say that anti-Israel lies become canonized, even becoming part of sacred religious lore, before the truth even gets out of bed.

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🧪 Faith And Frozen Embryos: Alabama's In Vitro Fertilization Ruling Stirs Religious Debate 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the religious debate stirred by the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling on in vitro fertilization. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Faith Leaders Remain Key To Protecting Migrants

(ANALYSIS) Several prominent figures in the Christian right have offered justification for anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies. The Christian right has asserted the need to protect the American culture and families from the alleged dangerous influence of Islam and from the supposed wave of hardened criminals crossing the southern border.

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🐘 Left Wants 'To Tear Down Crosses': Trump Talks To National Religious Broadcasters 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights Donald Trump’s remarks to the National Religious Broadcasters’ convention in Nashville, Tenn. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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India Is One Step Closer To A Hindu Theocracy

(OPINION) Modi and former President Donald Trump are hyper-nationalists and Islamophobes. Both push fear-driven campaigns based on historical grievances and aversion to foreign religions and ethnicities. A militant Hindu monk has been elected to lead India’s largest state, and he is rabidly anti-Muslim.

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Pastors And Christian Ministers, Don’t Tie Your Reputation To A Political Leader

(OPINION) As leaders in the Body of Christ, nothing is more important than your personal testimony — your hard-earned reputation for soundness in life, faith, and practice. You are a representative of Jesus in a formal and public way, with believers looking to you for guidance and unbelievers looking at you, scrutinizing you for godliness.

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