(OPINION) In the latest wrinkle in what researchers have long called the "worship wars," some church leaders are asking a blunt question about the decision to trade traditional hymnals for contemporary Christian music. That question: Has the typical Sunday service become a semiprofessional concert instead of a communal worship experience for all believers?
Read More(ANALYSIS) Critics question whether this new focus on mindfulness and self-care is making Americans more self-centered. They suggest religiously disengaged Americans are channeling their energies into themselves and their careers rather than into civic pursuits that may benefit the public. As sociologists who study religion and public life, we wanted to answer that question.
Read More(OPINION) The June 13-14 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination, will be a landmark gathering to decide whether to expel any congregation with a women pastor, thus affirming the SBC Executive Committee’s February expulsion of five such congregations.
Read More“I do believe that there is a need for a school that is worldview minded and is a degree-granting undergraduate institution that is based in the city. I think that there is a benefit where the cultural capitals of media and finance and arts and so forth (are located). As a Kuyperian, I believe that this matters.”
Read More(OPINION) Firmly in senior citizen territory now, I find myself unattached to nearly all the things I thought were important when I was young. As I’ve said before, and as countless others have said before me, getting old seems to be mainly about letting go, about learning — slowly and unsteadily — to hold all things lightly.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the beginning of Ramadan. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Father Sean Gough was praying silently when he was arrested near an abortion facility in a Public Spaces Protection Order protected zone while holding a “Praying for free speech” sign. His car was parked nearby, with a small “Unborn lives matter” bumper sticker.
Read More(ESSAY) For almost a century, two of the most powerful and culturally influential institutions in the West — the church and Hollywood — have lived in near constant enmity with each other. Why is this? Does it have to be this way? Is there hope for unity? Much like Scripture, I was taken with the wonderful narratives I was invited into through film. But it was confusing to see an inspiring and entertaining movie on Saturday night and then be told how evil it was on Sunday morning.
Read More(OPINION) There’s long-established history behind the practice of Christians during their earthly life praying to benefit fellow believers who are dead. This was commended by revered theologians of the early church.
Read More(OPINION) Religion writers, like many other Americans, doubtless find a February report on the well-being of American teens from the federal Centers for Disease Control nothing short of alarming.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the Religion News Association’s annual meeting in Bethesda, Maryland. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Since the media and the internet are crazy over lists (is this David Letterman’s doing?), how about a well-reported article — not about our American era’s top 10 religious celebrities but which ones exercise the most influence, seen or unseen?
Read More(OPINION) A two-day conference on the current state of journalism — co-sponsored by Catholic broadcaster EWTN and Franciscan University of Steubenville — examined why objectivity has disappeared, threats to freedom of speech and the hostility some in the mainstream have towards Catholics.
Read More(OPINION) “I am your retribution,” former President Donald Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But rather than try to destroy our enemies or bring retribution on them, our goal should be their conversion and transformation. That is the radical Jesus way.
Read More(OPINION) A headline in The New York Times dubbed it a “‘Woodstock’ for Christians,” the Woodstock reference being a quote from a Minnesota evangelist. Now that we’ve gotten a bit of distance from the immediate spiritual fervor, I thought I’d share a few further thoughts about what happened at Asbury University’s revival.
Read More(OPINION) The media shouldn’t ignore that Nikki Haley’s life story is more religiously intriguing than any of the 16 Republicans on CNN’s list of other potential challengers to Donald Trump. She’s been regularly subjected to questions about conversion from her parents’ Sikh religious faith to Christianity at age 24.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in provides the latest details on a mass shooting at a Jehovah’s Witnesses hall in Germany. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Raquel Welch wasn’t trying to hide during the later decades of her life when she faithfully attended Calvary Presbyterian Church in Glendale, Calif. She was simply looking for people she could trust. Welch died on Feb. 15 at the age of 82, inspiring waves of tributes focusing on her iconic beauty in “Fantastic Voyage,” “100 Rifles,” “The Three Musketeers” and dozens of other movies and TV programs.
Read More(OPINION) It starts with the reenchantment of the body and sexuality, extending to the entire natural world. And here I offer a suggestion for parents, especially those drawn to “purity pledge” programs. The results remind me of Jesus’ warning that merely getting clean from something rather than for something often results in the second state being worse than the first.
Read More(OPINION) Is gambling evil? Among Christians, there’s a notable split on gambling between tolerant Catholics and Protestants, who’ve been mostly hostile. The two largest U.S. Protestant bodies, which disagree on many things, are both resolute in opposition.
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