A rock formation in rural Kenya attracts pilgrims from a variety of Christian sects that mix Catholic and Anglican practices with traditional African paganism. Some even receive angelic messages, they say.
Read More(TRAVEL) Aside from its rich history and architectural majesty, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception may very well be one of the most under-appreciated places to visit in Washington. In a city dominated by so many architectural wonders connected to politics, it’s easy to neglect that it also has a very large Catholic presence.
Read MorePope Pius XII’s role during World War II is still in dispute, but evidence from the Vatican archives opened this year shows the German pope played a key role in saving thousands of Jewish lives in Palestine during World War I.
Read MorePopular pilgrimage destinations like Jerusalem and Rome have seen a massive drop in religious travelers, especially during Passover, Easter and this past summer.
Read More(TRAVEL) Taizé is a small, rural village in France popular for the presence of an ecumenical Christian monastic fraternity. A Muslim woman from Lebanon shares her experience after spending a month in the interfaith community.
Read MoreHere are four sacred journeys, some open but with country travel restrictions, that will brighten your “quarantine life.”
Read MoreAn ancient site on Israel’s Golan Heights is revered by Druze and Christians, who honor the site as the place where Jesus tells St. Peter: “on this rock I will build my church,” but Jews revile the site as a place of pagan worship.
Read MoreThe devotion to Saint Anthony in Mhow is very rich and dates as far back as when the British arrived in 1818. The construction of an army base about a mile from the village drew workers from across the country. Many of them were Tamil Catholics.
Read MoreFor the last 12 years, on the anniversary of Miriam the Prophetess’ death, artist Maureen Kushner has led a boat full of women to the spot on Lake Kinneret where, according to Jewish lore, the mystical spring known as Miriam’s Well now rests. Though the pandemic altered the group’s plans this year, it didn’t stop them from making the pilgrimage.
Read More(TRAVEL) Based on chemical analysis of resin found on the limestone altars of a Tel Arad shrine, researchers in Israel recently published a study that suggests the ancient Israelites used cannabis mixed with animal dung to spark a level of ecstasy during worship.
Read More(TRAVEL) See Rabbi Natan Slifkin’s collection of creatures ranging from locusts to lions at the newly virtually opened Biblical Museum of Natural History in Israel while staying safe at home during quarantine.
Read More(TRAVEL) With most of the world’s population stuck at home in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus, travel has come to a standstill. Springtime, and the approaching summer, are typically a time to take a flight and explore another part of the world.
Read MoreIn a remote part of the Guatemalan highlands, Israeli businesses are creating jobs and wealth for Guatemalan youth. The Israeli-Latino alliance relies on the prominence of evangelical faith in Guatemalan politics and culture that sees Israel as an important ally, even as locals worry whether Israeli backpackers are a bad influence on their kids.
Read More(TRAVEL) A village once burned down by radical Islamists is maintaining its culture by following Islam as well as their pre-Islamic ancestral traditions, including living mostly without electricity, building from wood and bamboo and living 430 steps below access to a main road.
Read MoreThe chocolates resemble the pilgrimage site in Lourdes, France where St. Bernadette is believed to have first seen the Virgin Mary on this day 162 years ago.
Read More(OPINION) Walking part of a medieval pilgrimage route alone along the northern coast of Spain taught me self-sufficiency and how to be fully present.
Read More(OPINION) Israel ended a travel ban that now allows Gazan Christians to cross the border into Bethlehem and Jerusalem for Christmas, but the tiny (and shrinking) community continues to struggle under Hamas.
Read More(OPINION) A trip to the Sekaten festival reveals a colorful Islamic tradition that is scorned in some Sunni regions, but celebrated with much ado in Indonesia.
Read MoreA Chinese apostle of Islam is a symbol of religious and racial harmony in the world’s largest Muslim country.
Read More(TRAVEL) A recent trip to Northumbria, England and Florence, Italy had an unexpected connection — a text of the Bible that’s arguably shaped Christianity more than any other, revitalizing Roman Christianity for Anglo-Saxons.
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