(COMMENTARY) Without making an effort to understand how all these small differences expressed in eating habits add up to create the chasms that divide us, we have no hope of overcoming them.
Read More(COMMENTARY) A new commentary on the Biblical book of Luke is the first major commentary authored by both a Jew and a Christian.
Read More(COMMENTARY) A growing number of Jews in the UK, Germany and Sweden are considering emigrating to escape anti-Semitism, according to a recent survey by an EU agency.
Read More(COMMENTARY) On December 17, the United Nations approved a resolution which rejected Iran’s continuing rights violations against women.
Read More(COMMENTARY) A leading British Muslim slams Britain’s atheist killjoys for ‘discrimination’ against Muslim children as US charity comes under spotlight.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Can Prince Charles commend the faith of persecuted Middle East Christians – while ignoring the religious source of their suffering?
Read More(COMMENTARY) 72 percent of Americans believe in a place "where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded.”
Read More(COMMENTARY) Handel’s “Messiah” — the Easter cantata that is so frequently heard at Christmastime — is probably the most-performed and most-beloved piece of great music ever written.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Due to God’s charge to Christians, they should not support President Donald Trump. By claiming one can be a “good Christian” despite who you vote for, Christians such as Jerry Falwell Jr. imply that one’s political activities are completely divorced from their faith. Such a claim, in essence, reduces Christianity to a mere set of propositions and intellectual or moral claims. However, the Bible presents Christianity as something far more whole-person than many Trump supporters realize.
Read More(COMMENTARY) He Jiankui, a U.S.-trained biological researcher in China, claims he has successfully altered the genes of newly born twins, with a third such birth expected soon.
Read More(COMMENTARY) In late November, PBS NewsHour broadcast a piece that, like other attempts to explain the Iranian Jewish community, came up frustratingly short.
Read More(COMMENTARY) There is a spiritual hunger around the world. Pope Francis needs to get back to basics and focus on evangelization like John Paul II did during his papacy. This pope needs to be less political and more spiritual. He needs to break free from the labels that have been heaped on him by critics and supporters alike. He needs to get back to the universal message of the church that resonates in both industrialized nations and the developing world.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Lots of Rome’s 900-plus churches will be empty in the next generation or so.
Read MoreChristian women in Egypt face an epidemic of kidnapping, rape, beatings and torture.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Twenty-six years ago, Hindu nationalists destroyed a 16th century mosque. Today, the right wing’s campaign issue is how to build a temple on that site.
Read More(COMMENTARY) In democracies, politics and politicians come and go, but Trump or no Trump, Jew-hatred moves steadily along its historic path as an unrivaled and utterly devastating source of evil.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Since 2017, there has been a rapidly broadening pattern of assaults on believers, faith leaders and worship centers in China.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Cable TV’s holiday movie season is full of Christmas titles. Do Jews want more representation?
Read MoreChristmas is more than just Santa Claus, bright lights and presents. For Christians, the season, marked by the start of Advent, begins a period that culminates with the birth of Jesus. While Christians of many denominations observe this period, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the four weeks preceding Christmas with many special observances in order to prepare for the coming of Christ.
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