(REVIEW) If you were to visit a home in Amsterdam in the 17th Century, you might find, in the kitchen, the library, or even inside the fireplace, a scene of the biblical Queen Esther approaching her husband the king. In galleries, you could see the queen, who Jews commemorate every Purim for her salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia, in paintings by Rembrandt, his pupils and contemporaries.
Read MoreA new exhibit, “Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered” — on display now through Jan. 31, 2025, in the lobby of the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma — reflects on the panoply of the royal house of Judah, whose influence extended from Tyre in ancient Phoenicia, today Lebanon, to Sheba or Saba, in what is modern-day Yemen and Ethiopia. On display are 49 outstanding artifacts illuminating the material culture of those Hebrew monarchs.
Read More(OPINION) Black church leaders have been and will be on the scene during peaceful protests. When it's time to heal and clean up, religious leaders of all races and beliefs will take part. But will they be able to speak together?
Read More(COMMENTARY) Many Bible reference works favored by conservative Protestants question whether Israelite King David’s love interest Bathsheba participated in the sexual affair while other scholars conclude she was a victim of rape.
Read More(COMMENTARY) A new book attempts to answer what the Bible’s authors intended to say to both ancient and modern audiences. In sum, there’s no formula.
Read More(COMMENTARY) Handel’s “Messiah” — the Easter cantata that is so frequently heard at Christmastime — is probably the most-performed and most-beloved piece of great music ever written.
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