Nearly 80 percent of evangelical Protestant pastors reject the scientific consensus that the climate is changing and human actions are a major cause, according to a new report. Only about one-quarter of clergy from other Christian traditions, such as Catholic and mainline Protestants, share this same skepticism.
Read MoreMotivated by their faith, many religious institutions across Connecticut are working toward environmental goals by completing green challenges, participating in advocacy, and growing gardens. “God has given us this amazing Earth. … We’re charged with being good stewards of that, and we should use that power wisely,” said Laura Baird of Asylum Hill Congregational Church’s Climate Action Group.
Read MoreNearly 20 years after responding to Katrina, a 44-year-old preacher in Asheville, North Carolina, is putting that experience to use. His city of nearly 100,000 was devastated by Hurricane Helene — part of a trail of destruction the storm left through six states in the Southeast.
Read MoreOne of the more unusual places in Delhi is the Charity Birds Hospital on the grounds of the Digambar Jain Temple. The three-story building has been helping sick birds for decades, but has become even more relevant over the last few years given climate change and India’s recent heatwave.
Read MoreSouthern Baptist Disaster Relief units have deployed in and around Houston up into Texarkana in response to Hurricane Beryl, which made landfall early Monday morning, July 8. Units with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC), Texans on Mission, Arkansas and Alabama are providing meals, showers and chainsaw work to survivors.
Read MoreAs the effects of climate change become more apparent in Africa and in other parts of the world, eco-anxiety is becoming prevalent. This is true especially in Africa, a continent that is home to a disproportionate share of climate change-related disasters but also has limited resources to deal with them.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Hundreds of people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage as the faithful faced intense high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said, as people tried to claim their loved ones’ bodies. While deaths are not uncommon, climate change has made the experience deadlier in recent years.
Read MoreIn several districts of central and southwestern Uganda, places with high levels of poverty, a beacon of hope shines bright these days. It’s The Share the Light Gospel Initiative — led by an American couple, Brian and Mary Kluth through — that’s illuminating lives and brightening the future of hundreds of Christian families.
Read MoreIn an effort to care more for nature over the next six weeks, Christians around the world can improve lives through eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyles emphasizing the transformative nature of Lent. A group based in the U.K. hopes Christians across Britain and around the wold will heed that call this year.
Read More(OPINION) The teachings of most religions and denominations encourage, if not command, followers to care for God’s creation. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, many houses of worship have taken the message of environmental sustainability to heart. They tend to start with improving the day-to-day behaviors of their congregations.
Read MoreAs the climate worsens in the Kashmir valley, a multitude of individuals gathered at the Jamia Masjid Srinagar, Dargah Hazratbal and other local mosques and shrines in Kashmir this month seeking divine intervention through special prayers for much-needed rain and snow.
Read MoreWhat people believe when it comes to the causes of climate change largely depends on your religious affiliation. The Public Religion Research Institute’s new climate change survey found that 76% of Hispanic Catholics — more than any other religious group — believe that changes to the environment are caused by humans.
Read More(REVIEW) “Don’t Look Up” is a new Netflix movie that has generated some controversy for its straightforward message encouraging the world to care about climate change. While mostly ineffective, it raises questions about God’s involvement in the end of the world.
Read More(ANALYSIS) This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court hearing on a death row inmate’s spiritual rights at his execution. Plus, as always, catch up on all the week’s best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read MorePresident Joe Biden said Pope Francis told him on Friday that he’s “a good Catholic” who should continue to receive Holy Communion. The comments widen the rift between the pope and a group of U.S. bishops because of the president’s support for abortion rights. The Vatican declined to comment on the veracity of Biden’s statement.
Read More(OPINION) What if anything at this point, can religious leaders and religion beat journalists do to call attention to the crisis?
Read More(OPINION) It's often said religious couples generally tend to have more children than non-religious ones. Journalists should ask local observers and national experts if that remains true, and why so, and what impact growing secularism in places like North America will have upon the looming Birth Dearth.
Read MoreFazlun Khalid has worked for decades to raise environmental consciousness among Muslims and demonstrate what he sees as the inherently ecological nature of Islam and the environmental worldview it espouses.
Read More(ANALYSIS) As Joe Biden prepares to enter office, religious freedom advocates are searching for signs that his administration will maintain the delicate institutional framework built during the Trump administration. Without a commitment from the president-elect, they fear it could all evaporate.
Read MoreFrom Nov. 11-13, more than 600 people from 90 countries attended a virtual and in-person conference in Germany to discuss the role of women in the world’s religions and their leadership in their faith communities, development work and diplomacy. Azza Karam, the Secretary General for Religions for Peace, has spent her career showing international agencies like the United Nations why understanding religion is central to their missions.
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