(COMMENTARY) Why would an annual event featuring tens of thousands of people from across the country who peacefully assemble on Washington’s National Mall in protest of an issue they care very passionately about receive little to no media coverage? That very situation plays itself out every January when it comes to the mainstream media’s handling of the March for Life, an event that brings together a cross-section of Americans in support of the rights of the unborn.
Read MoreWe asked our 800+ members from around the world and our TMP Board to submit their nominations for the "Top 10 Religion Stories of 2017." We received hundreds of nominations and the following is a list of the ones that stood out the most.
Read MoreWhen he's not debating Christians and Muslims on social media, Atheists in Kenya President (AIK), Harrison Mumia can be found fighting his battles out in court. His fight is to prove that Kenya is a 'secular state' and that atheists should have the same rights as other religions to express their beliefs and viewpoints.
Read More(OPINION) President Donald Trump sees his big tax-bill win on Capitol Hill was a giant – maybe even huuuuge – Christmas present for America. But many people think of Christmas as a cultural season built on gifts, travel, fun, food, and festivities more than a religious holiday.
Read More(OPINION) Lottie Moon was a pioneer missionary and educator in the late 19th Century who remained steadfast and true to her calling. She let God use her in a remarkable way during her lifetime and her work is still touching people around the world.
Read MoreTourists, school kids, commuters and Halloween enthusiasts in lower Manhattan barely knew about a terrorist attack Tuesday afternoon just after 3 p.m. and just before school let out on halloween night.
Read MorePope Francis elected the first ever Nordic Cardinal earlier this year. Some say Sweden´s gender equality and liberal attitude to immigration might have influenced the Pope´s decision.
Read MoreBreathing new life into Christianity in Sweden, the Orthodox Church is also a key hub for immigrants to learn Swedish language and become integrated into Swedish society.
Read MoreA handful of American mainstream news outlets have picked up the story, but unlike their European counterparts, they chose not to reprint the cartoon.
Read MoreRabbi Sacks, who won the 2016 Templeton Prize, is convinced that religious leaders face three options in an age in which reason and materialism have failed to inspire citizens to make sacrifices on behalf of future generations.
Read MoreSince politics in Kenya took on a tribal dimension, church leaders have not been immune to tribal influences. Churches appear neutral on the outside, but they are partisan inside, according to a former political candidate who is now a pastor.
Read MoreThe often toxic mix of religious identity mixed with politics – either real or imagined – accounts for so much of what we think of as religion news. This story ties together some of those powerful symbols.
Read MoreThe Independent's article on an Orthodox Jewish school lacking LGBT content in its curriculum is a fiasco, in terms of journalistic integrity.
Read MoreWhat comes first, advertising or content? This question loomed large in my mind as I read an article on exorcisms that the Daily Telegraph chose to sensationalize rather than report faithfully.
Read MoreStrobel knew what he believed, as an atheist committed to abortion rights and other liberal causes. But he knew – as a journalist -- that he had a job to do.
Read MoreCameroon has been hit by a spate of suspicious deaths among clergy going back decades. The most recent high-profile passing is that of Jean Marie Benoit Balla, Bishop of Bafia in the Central Region whose body was found in a river 48 hours after disappearing.
Read MoreTwo rulings from the European Court of Justice permitting companies to prohibit religious clothing and symbols in the workplace has sparked condemnation from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim groups in Europe.
Read MoreRemember any details of the #ChibokGirls news coverage? 300 girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram, forced to marry the fighters, to serve as slaves or take part in terrorism. What else? Essential details are missing from this latest story.
Read MoreA story in a local newspaper in the U.K. caught my eye this week, raising questions on the nature of truth and the craft of journalism.
Read MoreEaster is one of the silly seasons for the media. The holiday sees a spike in publication of religion-themed stories in the secular press -- often with uneven results.
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