(ANALYSIS) I had a great chance to learn from some new data released by the team who runs the Cooperative Election Study. They surveyed 61,000 folks in the Fall of 2020. Then, they recontacted 11,000 of them in the fall of 2022. Guess what that means? I can tell you how much religion changed at the individual level using a really big dataset. That’s awesome. Let’s get to it.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The field of religion and politics presents me with a whole bunch of combinations of folks who would clearly fall into this cross pressured category. I wanted to focus on one today that may be the most incongruent — people who identify as atheist or agnostic on the religion question but then say that they are Republicans.
Read More(OPINION) Few issues in religion have been as remarked upon and puzzled over lately as the rapid rise of “nones,” those who claim no religious affiliation. I’ve written about this before, I realize, but it’s a news story that just keeps developing.
Read More(ANALYSIS) I have to admit that I was pretty gob smacked when I saw a post on X about the result of the Harvard Crimson’s annual poll of the school’s incoming class that will presumably graduate in 2027. The graph that grabbed all the traffic was about the political persuasion of these 18 year olds at one of the most elite universities in the world.
Read MoreThe Raelians believe in intelligent design for atheists— that aliens created all life on earth and that there is no god but only those who come from the sky, the Elohim. We attended their recent North American conference to learn more about their beliefs and practices.
Read MoreWhen he's not debating Christians and Muslims on social media, Atheists in Kenya President (AIK), Harrison Mumia can be found fighting his battles out in court. His fight is to prove that Kenya is a 'secular state' and that atheists should have the same rights as other religions to express their beliefs and viewpoints.
Read MoreStrobel knew what he believed, as an atheist committed to abortion rights and other liberal causes. But he knew – as a journalist -- that he had a job to do.
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