(REVIEW) The show impressively manages the difficult task of being a sword-and-sandals adventure fantasy that balances the needs of a faith-based and action-adventure audience. The story of David and Israel’s relationship with God is central, and the story creates a world that feels grounded, while still existing among giants and magic as relayed in the Hebrew Bible. The action is good while keeping itself PG-13, and the story is exciting while keeping it faithful to the Biblical themes.
Read MoreA new exhibit, “Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered” — on display now through Jan. 31, 2025, in the lobby of the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma — reflects on the panoply of the royal house of Judah, whose influence extended from Tyre in ancient Phoenicia, today Lebanon, to Sheba or Saba, in what is modern-day Yemen and Ethiopia. On display are 49 outstanding artifacts illuminating the material culture of those Hebrew monarchs.
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