Posts tagged Al Qaeda
Praying For A Better Future In Syria — Without Jihadis

(ANALYSIS) In recent days, a horrifying surge of violence and bloodshed has swept across Syria, leaving a civilian death toll of nearly 1,400. Most of the victims were part of the Alawite sect, former Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s religious community. A number of Christians who live in close proximity to Alawite communities have also been killed.

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Survivors Mark 25th Anniversary of Al-Qaida Bombing Of US Embassy

On the morning of Aug. 7, 1998, two powerful explosions ripped apart the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, sending debris and glass shrapnel across the central business district and beyond. In the end, some 200 Kenyans lay dead and another 4,000 people injured as a result of the attack. At the same time, another attack at the U.S. embassy in Dar es Salaam in neighboring Tanzania killed 11.

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Don't Overlook How The Catholic Church Has Helped Afghanistan For Years

(OPINION) I want to place a spotlight on the important work of Christian groups across Afghanistan over the years, the little mention they have received by the secular press, a recent story that illustrates both the plight of Afghan refugees and the Catholic converts now living outside the country who have been crucial in helping people get out.

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After Kabul terror attack, Afghan Sikhs are fleeing to India

A New Delhi-based Sikh organization is sponsoring dozens of Afghan Sikhs to settle in India after the March terror attack on a Kabul gurudwara, a Sikh temple. Although Sikh has ancient history in Afghanistan, Sikhs now make up only a tiny minority in the country, while the Indian government welcomes Sikhs, whose faith formed from Hinduism.

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Changes in Gambia Threaten Its Traditions Of Pacifist Islam

(OPINION) The Muslim-majority West African nation has historically had high religious freedom, but changes to its Constitution and growing territorial control of terrorist groups could threaten that.

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West African Christians face Islamic terror as US weighs troop withdrawals

(OPINION) West Africa’s Christians are suffering extraordinary levels of violence at the hands of radical Islamist killers, while the Pentagon is deliberating withdrawing troops from the region.

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