Posts in Opinion
🏈 Time To Kneel Again: Football Coach Who Won Supreme Court Prayer Case Returns 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the return of a high school football coach who won a U.S. Supreme Court case, allowing him to pray on the field. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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The inability to listen well contributes to many of our problems

(OPINION) We never hear things exactly as they are. We hear thing as we are, through the presumptions and biases residing in our heads. We’re inclined to make others responsible for our angers, our hurts and our grudges.  How do we become better listeners, really hearing instead of simply confirming our own preexisting blind spots and wounds?

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Is the Church No Longer a Refuge for Struggling People?

(OPINION) If you, like me, think faith in God and religious affiliation are generally good things for people, then you, like me, ought to feel unsettled by the findings of political scientist Ryan Burge. He argues that religious participation in the United States is now largely the domain of the educated and comfortable, rather than a buttress for those on the margins of society, who historically were the core audience for Christianity.

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Why One of the World's Most Secular Nation Pushes to Adapt Muslim Blasphemy Laws

(OPINION) This is part of what constitutes freedom of religion and expression: Vulgar, disrespectful, derogatory and critical expressions about religion and other worldviews are unavoidable in an open and free society. Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom from religious criticism.

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👣 March On Washington At 60: What The Anniversary Means For People Of Faith 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights religion angles at the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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‘Nothing in particular’ country singer captures YouTube America

Oliver Anthony counted about 20 listeners when he performed earlier this summer at a produce market in coastal North Carolina. That was before Aug. 8, when YouTube channel radio posted his “Rich Men North Of Richmond” video. More than 35 million views later, as of this week, the unknown country singer from Farmville, Virginia, has become a culture-wars lightning rod.

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A Question for Christians to Ponder: Does the Bible Prohibit Profanity?

(OPINION) Most Christians take for granted that profanity is sinful, but does the Bible actually address it? Back in 2013, I noted with concern that “it is increasingly common to hear about worship leaders getting drunk after church services and dropping f-bombs while they boast about their ‘liberty’ in the Lord.” Now, my good friend John Cooper, the frontman for the Christian rock band Skillet, has confronted the use of profanity in “Christian” music.

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📝 Jesus Didn't Lie On His Resume, But This Top Southern Baptist Official Did 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in covers the resignation of a top Southern Baptist Convention official for lying on his resume. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Carrying the unique spiritual burden of autism

(OPINION) Many modern churches may be weak when it comes to architecture and sacred art, but they almost always have concert-level lighting, sound and multimedia technology. But in a few sanctuaries linked to ancient traditions, worship leaders are trying something different. In some Eucharistic services, they are offering worshippers with autism an atmosphere that is more calm and less intense.

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Cannabis Smoke: A New Take On Traditional Catholic, Indigenous and Chinese Funerary Rites

(OPINION) I recently attended a funeral for a friend’s mother. I hadn’t met her, but I knew she was important to my friend. And I’d be a crummy friend if I didn’t go and show my support. Right away, there was something different. The family started handing cannabis joints/pre-rolls and lighters to each guest when they entered.

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🔥 Prayers For Maui: Houses Of Worship Burned; People Of Faith Organize Help 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the devastating Maui wildfires. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour a Reminder the Internet Isn't Real Life

(OPINION) Online narratives distort real life more often than you might realize. Research consistently shows that a small minority of people who have social media accounts post the vast majority of content.

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A Catholic archbishop’s candid talk with Lutheran flock

(OPINION) Salvatore Cordileone made national headlines during the pandemic with his efforts to defend the First Amendment rights of churches holding small, outdoor rites while following social-distancing guidelines. And after years of private talks with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, whose home is in San Francisco, the archbishop took a stand against her public support for abortion rights.

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A Tough, Newsy ‘Theodicy’ Question: ‘If God Is Good, Why Do Animals Suffer?'

(OPINION) Do disease and devastation for innocent people argue against God’s existence? C.S. Lewis and later writers see the opposite. Without the design and purpose of a moral God and the divine aspect of each person he creates, what could explain our inherent conviction that the innocent should not suffer, that certain things are unjust and that our world is awry?

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A Redemptive Perspective on the Current Leadership Crisis in America

(OPINION) The current state of the world creates a real feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, as if everything is old and crumbling, as if nothing is stable or trustworthy, as if no one is clean. This is where we step in, not to preach religion but to preach Jesus, not to sell a product or a personality but to point people to the only One who can truly save and deliver and forgive and transform.

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⚖️ Seeking Justice In Tree Of Life Synagogue Shooting: Will Killer Really Be Executed? 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in starts with the death penalty sentence in the Tree of Life synagogue shooting. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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