(OPINION) I realized with a bit of a start that if my mom were still here she would have turned 90 on Aug. 6. Sad to say, she passed away in 2003. Here are some virtues she showed me, largely by living them, not by preaching them. Maybe they’ll speak to you, too:
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in covers the resignation of a top Southern Baptist Convention official for lying on his resume. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Many modern churches may be weak when it comes to architecture and sacred art, but they almost always have concert-level lighting, sound and multimedia technology. But in a few sanctuaries linked to ancient traditions, worship leaders are trying something different. In some Eucharistic services, they are offering worshippers with autism an atmosphere that is more calm and less intense.
Read More(OPINION) I recently attended a funeral for a friend’s mother. I hadn’t met her, but I knew she was important to my friend. And I’d be a crummy friend if I didn’t go and show my support. Right away, there was something different. The family started handing cannabis joints/pre-rolls and lighters to each guest when they entered.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the devastating Maui wildfires. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Online narratives distort real life more often than you might realize. Research consistently shows that a small minority of people who have social media accounts post the vast majority of content.
Read More(OPINION) Here’s another transition I’m having a hard time with: The small rural church I lead seems to be struggling in a way I’ve never seen in 40-some years of ministry. And I thought I’d seen it all by now.
Read More(OPINION) Salvatore Cordileone made national headlines during the pandemic with his efforts to defend the First Amendment rights of churches holding small, outdoor rites while following social-distancing guidelines. And after years of private talks with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, whose home is in San Francisco, the archbishop took a stand against her public support for abortion rights.
Read More(OPINION) Do disease and devastation for innocent people argue against God’s existence? C.S. Lewis and later writers see the opposite. Without the design and purpose of a moral God and the divine aspect of each person he creates, what could explain our inherent conviction that the innocent should not suffer, that certain things are unjust and that our world is awry?
Read More(OPINION) The current state of the world creates a real feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, as if everything is old and crumbling, as if nothing is stable or trustworthy, as if no one is clean. This is where we step in, not to preach religion but to preach Jesus, not to sell a product or a personality but to point people to the only One who can truly save and deliver and forgive and transform.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in starts with the death penalty sentence in the Tree of Life synagogue shooting. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Hollywood worships big movie franchises, so fans can expect "Barbie" sequels. One plot proposal quickly emerged from an unlikely source — Sister Mary Joseph Calore of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pennsylvania.
Read More(OPINION) Men who have been affected by abortion are a neglected voice in the abortion debate. It is an oft-repeated mantra that men need therapy — and new research shows that this may be especially true for men experiencing grief after abortion and disenfranchisement of their pain.
Read More(OPINION) Pity U.S. colleges coping with political feuds, “diversity,” declining applications and enrollments, student debt and tight budgets. Add religious and moral issues, and things get even more complex.
Read More(OPINION) This isn’t a column about Leslie Van Houten. This is a column about the often competing virtues of justice versus mercy. But the news event that started me thinking (again) about those dueling impulses was the recent announcement that Van Houten, a former member of Charles Manson’s “family,” will soon be paroled from prison.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in covers the death of Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) The need for after-abortion healing resulted in many groups taking on this critical work in the 1990s. Organizations such as Project Rachel, Rachel’s Vineyard, Forgiven and Set Free, SaveOne and Surrendering the Secret have since helped countless women and men begin their healing journeys.
Read More(OPINION) “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” cost $294 million to make. It is likely a financial loss, as only 9% of viewers recommend it to friends and family. Compare this lack of enthusiasm with “Sound of Freedom,” which used crowdfunding to raise its $14.5 million budget and grossed nearly $3 million more than “Dial of Destiny” its opening weekend.
Read More(OPINION) Why would anyone wonder about the sacred spot where God through Moses revealed the Ten Commandments and other biblical laws? Just look at the name. Doesn’t everybody know that Mount Sinai must of course be on the Sinai Peninsula and, specifically, at a long-venerated location there? And yet some insist the true location is in Saudi Arabia.
Read More(OPINION) If I asked you to name the most repeated commandment in the whole Bible, you might offer up any one of various scriptural admonitions: Love the Lord with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. Thou shalt not kill. But the real answer might surprise you.
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