Posts in Opinion
Why Do Christian Films Act Like The World Is Getting Worse?

(ANALYSIS) With the world around us getting better, why do so many faith-based films insist the world is getting worse? And what does that say about the religious right in America?

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A Baha’i Perspective On Climate Change: We Must Tinker Intelligently and Compassionately

(OPINION) I’ve been tracking environmental issues for more than six decades. Centuries before I was born, Thomas Malthus warned that human exponential growth would impact resources. Some heeded his warning. Many economists disregarded it. Technological optimists pushed back, emphasizing instead “human creativity expressed through markets.”

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Faith Isn’t Easy — It’s Often More About Uncertainty Than Certainty

(OPINION) Faith isn’t necessarily easy. It’s work. If it does come easily, it’s possibly not real faith but only self-delusion or vapidity masquerading as faith. I’ve been considering this again in light of developments in my family and my personal journey.

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Following MLK's Example to Persevere

(OPINION) The reason we persevere is because we know God has called us to do what is right. And we know that with God, we can overcome whatever difficulties, injustices or troubles we face. So when confronted with the choice of giving up or pushing through, remember to keep going.

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A New Interpretation of Faith: The Story Behind the LGBTQ+-Inclusive ‘Sparkle Creed’

(ANALYSIS) The Sparkle Creed was circulated in 2021 by the Rev. Rachel Small Stokes of Immanuel United Church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky. A Shower of Stoles website biography notes that she was raised United Methodist, served as a missionary in that denomination and trained for the ministry.

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Revisiting Martin Luther King's 'Where Do We Go from Here?’ After Half A Century

(OPINION) On  Aug. 16, 1967, in Atlanta during his annual report to the 11th Convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Martin Luther King Jr. entitled his speech â€œWhere Do We Go From Here?” and thus the question I have for ministers, Black and White today.

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‘Stick To The Old Paths’: Church Music Is About More Than Style

(OPINION) For the past decade, a handful of megachurches have dominated worship music. They include Elevation Church, Australia-based Hillsong, and California’s Bethel Church — all churches that have had their share of scandal and controversy. Still, most worship leaders have carefully compartmentalized the controversy and have continued to use their songs — and, in effect, financially support these churches.

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Still News? Media Silent On Pronouncements From World And National Councils Of Churches

(OPINION) Why do U.S. power-brokers, and journalists themselves, pay little or no heed to ardent pronouncements by the World Council of Churches and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA?

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Woman Who Leads Expelled SBC Church Is A Diehard Conservative

(OPINION) Lost amid the news of Southern Baptist Convention’s disfellowshipping of Saddleback Church was that of a much smaller Kentucky church — Louisville’s Fern Creek Baptist, with a Sunday attendance of 150, where the Rev. Linda Barnes Popham has served as lead pastor for 30 years..

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‘Can’t Get No Satisfaction’: American Christians Forgot How To Be Content In Any Circumstance

(OPINION) On this day in history, July 10, 1965, the Rolling Stones topped U.S. charts for the first time with the single â€œ(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction.” It signaled a shift. Beatlemania hit the U.S. in early 1964. The Beatles were playful, upbeat. The Stones were dark, restless. “Satisfaction” struck a chord. It resonated with what C.S. Lewis called “a new approach to life.” Discontentment.

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😲 The Giant Religion Trend That Should Be Bigger News 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in starts with a major story that receives too little attention. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Islam’s Call To Prayer Is Ringing Out In More US Cities — Affirming A Long And Growing Presence Of Muslims In America

(ANALYSIS) Minneapolis recently became the first major U.S. city to allow the “adhan,” or Muslim call to prayer, to be broadcast from mosques five times a day. In April 2023, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a change to the city’s sound ordinance, effectively eliminating time constraints that previously prevented the pre-dawn and evening prayer calls from being broadcast.

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Religion Has Become A Luxury Good For The Middle Class, Married College Graduate With Children

(ANALYSIS) Religion in 21st century America has become an enclave for people who have done everything “right.” They have college degrees and marriages and children and middle-class incomes. For those who don’t check all those boxes, religion is just not for them.

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Negative Spaces Have Value In Art, Life And Theology

(OPINION) Many religious traditions value silence as a space where a supreme power might be experienced. “I will come to you in the silence,” promises God at the outset of David Hass’ hymn, “You Are Mine,” sung in both Catholic and Protestant churches. Some religious folk might agree with Beckett that nothing is the ultimate reality.

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Some Don’t Like Thinking Of God As Their Heavenly Father

(OPINION) I think the main problem with Christianity specifically and the whole world generally is that many people seem not to ever have comprehended how radically and unconditionally they are loved by the Lord. Musing afterward on my conversations with a young woman, it struck me we’d both arrived at our different images of God from our differing experiences with our earthly fathers.

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Yes, Protestants Disagree With The Ancient Churches On The Status Of The Siblings Of Jesus

(OPINION) On the age-old but ever-debated topic of whether Jesus had brothers and sisters, The Guy would answer that — as is often the case — it depends on what church is fielding the question. From ancient times, Catholicism and Orthodoxy have said no. But virtually all Protestants since Martin Luther’s time have said yes.

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Tatmadaw Targets Religious And Ethnic Communities In Myanmar Yet Again

(ANALYSIS) A new report suggests that the Tatmadaw continues to target religious and ethnic communities. This comes years after the Tatmadaw specifically targeted the Rohingya for annihilation.

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The Bible Doesn’t Say Life Begins At Conception

(OPINION) I don’t take abortion any more lightly than I take lightly the indiscriminate nature of promiscuity that appears to have infested our culture. But I still cannot find it in me, or in Holy Scripture, to support a trigger law or pretend that the removal of 12 cells not a nanosecond following conception could justly be deemed “murder.” Yet anti-abortion adherents often tout the slogan “abortion is murder.”

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The Unsolved Mystery: Aleppo’s Missing Bishops Haunt the Middle East

(OPINION) The bishops of Aleppo, Syria — Metropolitan Paul Yazigi and Metropolitan Yohanna Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Church — disappeared 10 years ago while seeking the release of two kidnapped priests. Their car was surrounded by a pack of armed men as they maneuvered through risky checkpoints west of Aleppo. Their driver died in the gunfire, but a survivor later testified that the kidnappers were not speaking Arabic and appeared to be from Chechnya.

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