Posts tagged Capitalism
A Baha’i Perspective On Climate Change: We Must Tinker Intelligently and Compassionately

(OPINION) I’ve been tracking environmental issues for more than six decades. Centuries before I was born, Thomas Malthus warned that human exponential growth would impact resources. Some heeded his warning. Many economists disregarded it. Technological optimists pushed back, emphasizing instead “human creativity expressed through markets.”

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Was Jesus A Socialist? Concerning The 'Rich Young Ruler' And Modern Economics

(OPINION) Both the Hebrew Scriptures — Christians’ “Old Testament” — and the New Testament are full of admonitions that believers in God insofar as able must help the poor and needy. However, that does not necessarily tie Jesus to socialism, since believers can practice charity in a capitalist context just as readily, if not more so.

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What's more Christian: Capitalism or socialism?

(OPINION) It’s an old debate. American attitudes about the country’s economic system are shifting. The issue isn’t black or white, and religious thinkers are weighing on from a variety of denominations and worldviews.

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