(ANALYSIS) The Taliban – which means “the students” in Pashto – seized control of Afghanistan in 1996 after capturing Kabul in the Afghan civil war. The Taliban regime was then toppled in 2001 by the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan. Here, Afghanistan experts offer insight into the Taliban – then and now – and explain the United States’ role in Afghanistan’s collapse.
(OPINION) The return of Taliban rule after 20 years will likely produce the typical mayhem and murder when a regime suddenly collapses. But much is also at stake for world Islam, a crucial aspect that the media have tended to slight thus far. Journalists may be witnessing a new phase in what Georgetown University expert John Esposito has called a long-running "struggle for the soul of Islam."
Read More(OPINION) "One could say that the two Masses have built two cities: the Mass of All Times has built a Christian city; the New Mass seeks to build a humanist and secular city."
Read More(OPINION) The three-time governor leaves behind a mixed legacy among Roman Catholics. Like his father Mario (who also served three terms as New York governor and was for years on the short-list of lawmakers who could be president), Cuomo represented a new generation of liberal Catholic politicians in this country.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in summary starts with the latest, complicated news on the COVID-19 vaccines and religion. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith news.
Read More(OPINION) The seeds were sown long ago, in America’s first pilgrims. They mostly came here to be left alone. Our seedbed of stubborn independence was stirred in the Second Great Awakening. It sprouted an evangelical form of Christianity suspicious of institutional authority and traditions.
Read More(OPINION) According to one progressive Methodist, when the United Methodists finally split, conservatives will build a church defined "by who they will exclude today and who they will exclude tomorrow." The question is whether progressives will act on their convictions.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in starts with a humorous lesson in how hard religion reporting is. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) As Facebook partners with churches to, “go further farther on Facebook” ethics are called into question and in a freudian slip, Hillsong’s Atlanta church planter, Sam Collier, used the word consumer to describe church goers.
Read More(OPINION) Ethiopia’s image has been unfairly disfigured in media coverage of the Tigray conflict. Here’s how the Western media misunderstands and how Ethiopia and its allies can move forward amid a ceasefire to long-lasting peace and reconciliation.
Read More(OPINION) A recent poll showed that American Mainline Protestantism is rising, but virtually all other data shows it is rapidly decreasing. Here’s what the media should pay attention to.
Read MoreWhat might concerns over COVID-19’s delta variant mean for houses of worship? This week’s Weekend Plug-in explores that question while rounding up the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) The American Families Plan is biased towards child care and pre-K education outside the home, which isn’t the preference of many families, especially low-income, minority and religious families. In short, the plan prioritizes the desires of two-parent, higher educated and financially well-off families with two full-time working adults who are the most likely to prefer institutional child care that is not faith-based.
Read More(OPINION) The promotion of individualism at all costs within America is causing many to become “do it yourself” Christians. That applies to the Capitol rioters on Jan. 6 too.
Read More(OPINION) A piece about China’s communist government’s fear of Christianity sparks the question– why don’t news outlets cover the government’s fear and distaste of other religions, such as Buddhism and Islam, as well?
Read More(OPINION) The data tells us that evangelicals believing conspiracy theories spread by QAnon is more pervasive than many of us realize. Jesus was clear — if we don’t deal swiftly with false teaching, it will quickly spread and devour us. Here are three practical steps to fighting conspiracy theories in churches.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in features a fact check on an important religion angle related to Haiti’s presidential assassination. Plus, catch up on all the week’s best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Members of Congress have abdicated their war powers over the past 20 years, resulting in endless wars that have devastated millions of people’s lives. Now, lawmakers must rectify their mistakes – and those of their predecessors – by repealing the 2002 Iraq AUMF and reasserting their constitutional war powers.
Read More(OPINION) Phoenix Suns coach Monty Williams says his Christian faith has brought hope and clarity to areas of his life that have proven difficult. He hopes to pass on lessons learned to his players.
Read More(OPINION) The continued death of pastors, imams, rabbis and other spiritual leaders across all religions from the Coronavirus has a devastating effect on the faith of those who took up to them.