Posts tagged misinformation
'Left Behind: Rise Of The Antichrist' The Latest Installment In Apocalyptic Thriller Franchise

(REVIEW) “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist,” the new movie about the end of the world as told in the Bible, has it all: boring action sequences, jokes about the COVID-19 vaccine, altar calls, a postscript message from former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, a joke about former president Barack Obama being the Antichrist, a painfully clunky script and even a Romanian politician who has a bland American accent. 

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The West Misunderstood Ethiopia's Conflict. Here's How We Should Move Forward

(OPINION) Ethiopia’s image has been unfairly disfigured in media coverage of the Tigray conflict. Here’s how the Western media misunderstands and how Ethiopia and its allies can move forward amid a ceasefire to long-lasting peace and reconciliation.

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How Churches Can Fight Conspiracy Theories

(OPINION) The data tells us that evangelicals believing conspiracy theories spread by QAnon is more pervasive than many of us realize. Jesus was clear — if we don’t deal swiftly with false teaching, it will quickly spread and devour us. Here are three practical steps to fighting conspiracy theories in churches.

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Why a Catholic media startup is proving to be an essential daily read

(OPINION) The Catholic news world has also seen its share of startups since the internet has changed the news industry. It’s these changes that have brought more issues like fake news and misinformation, but also allowed journalists to become entrepreneurs and build start-ups of their own.

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How evangelical media ministry Focus on the Family fueled lies and insurrectionists

(ANALYSIS) In the months since the election, the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family has regularly provided election skeptics with plentiful ammunition and has embraced men and women in Congress who voted to overturn state election results. Meanwhile, Focus’s partner organization in Washington, D.C., the Family Research Council, continues to claim the election was stolen, and that Antifa—not Trump supporters—may have caused the Capitol attack on Jan. 6.

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