(COMMENTARY) In a society that values scandal and social media transgressions, Tim Tebow is very much a contrarian. He’s a rebel among agnostics and exudes an unusual wholesomeness that appears to be more from the 1950s than the year 2017.
Read MorePeople across Africa are mourning the death of peace icon Bishop Cornelius Kipng’eno Arap Korir of the Catholic diocese of Eldoret in Kenya. In the days and weeks since his passing, people continue to find ways to commemorate his death and honor his memory.
Read MoreTourists, school kids, commuters and Halloween enthusiasts in lower Manhattan barely knew about a terrorist attack Tuesday afternoon just after 3 p.m. and just before school let out on halloween night.
Read MoreKamal Fahmi left his 35 years of formal missionary work trading it for a new cause: Religious freedom. Operating from Egypt, he founded an NGO dedicated to fight the blasphemy and apostasy laws that ironically limit the rights of Muslims.
Read MoreBreathing new life into Christianity in Sweden, the Orthodox Church is also a key hub for immigrants to learn Swedish language and become integrated into Swedish society.
Read MoreNikki and Louise Draven believe that the genitalia they possess is not determinant of them as persons. They have been recognized legally as the first gender-fluid family in Great Britain.
Read More(OPINION) The Daily Telegraph has leapt into a dispute between two factions of a London church. Yet the journalistic shortcomings of this article turn it into a club for traditionalists to beat modernizers.
Read MoreRabbi Sacks, who won the 2016 Templeton Prize, is convinced that religious leaders face three options in an age in which reason and materialism have failed to inspire citizens to make sacrifices on behalf of future generations.
Read MoreAs a blind child in rural Kenya, Henry Kirwa endured a lifetime of stigma, isolation, and lack of education and opportunity - until he discovered he was fast. Sustained by his Christian faith, running became his ticket to a better life, culminating in multiple Paralympic gold medals and new life as a U.N. honoree.
Read More(OPINION) A recent Pew Forum survey shows that the influence and practice of faith is slipping in lands long identified with Catholicism, those closest to the European West. Eastern Orthodoxy is rising, especially in lands in which faith and national identity blend. But the most stunning changes are happening in the Czech Republic.
Read MoreThe late Steve Jobs loved surprises and, at the 2007 MacWorld conference, he knew he was going to make history.
Read MoreLife at the Tebuireng boarding school is rigidly structured and disciplined, yet it also has rhythm and meaning – intentional stepping away from the rat race and becoming a better person. It is about seeking and serving God every day.
Read MoreWhat comes first, advertising or content? This question loomed large in my mind as I read an article on exorcisms that the Daily Telegraph chose to sensationalize rather than report faithfully.
Read MoreStrobel knew what he believed, as an atheist committed to abortion rights and other liberal causes. But he knew – as a journalist -- that he had a job to do.
Read MoreLSPT is a small but effective charity based at a private, Muslim academy in the town of Jombang, Indonesia. LSPT serves some 1,000 of its neighbors each month with its mission of meetings needs in the local community first.
Read MoreTwo rulings from the European Court of Justice permitting companies to prohibit religious clothing and symbols in the workplace has sparked condemnation from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim groups in Europe.
Read More(OPINION) Reports that Russians are calling for the restoration of the monarchy and the crowning of Vladimir Putin as Tsar are circulating -- all built on the traditional Western construct that the Russian mind is mysterious, sententious, or ludicrous.
Read More(OPINION) I may appear somewhat harsh in my criticisms, but the reporter tells us that this place will be the spiritual headquarters for 1.3 million Orange County Roman Catholics. Would any of them recognize their rites in the description put forward in this story?
Read MoreMorality, in point of fact, represents or signifies "the law." And "the law" is the minimal expression of morality necessary to advance together.
Read MoreIn the midst of ongoing violence against Christians, poet and songwriter Nader Wanis founded a cultural center in St. Mark's Anglican cathedral to invite Muslims into the church to build peace through art and creativity.
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