Posts tagged Washington Post
🔥 After Monster Storm, The Story Can’t Be Told Without Recognizing Faith 🔌

When covering a tragedy, faith almost always emerges as a part of the story. That was the case again this past weekend when a monster storm system struck the Deep South and the Plains.

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Nigerian boy jailed for blasphemy offers hope, despite holes in media coverage

(OPINION) An uplifting story from The Washington Post about a young Nigerian boy brought hope during times of uncertainty in many religious communities. Other news sources tried to continue telling the story, but the religious angle seemed underdeveloped.

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Why Did Some Media Show Brandt Jean’s Courtroom Hug But Edit Out his Remarks?

(OPINION) After several clicks and searches, we did find full-length versions of the video provided by Fox News and the Dallas Morning News. It makes us wonder why some media felt the need to excise Brandt’s words, which were so incredible.

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Franklin Graham's charity is mobilizing aid to the U.S.-Mexico border

Samaritan’s Purse, the poverty and crisis relief organization known for sending millions of shoeboxes to orphans every Christmas, has said it is mobilizing resources to alleviate the U.S.-Mexico border crisis. The announcement came 10 days after Christian singer Nichole Nordeman wrote an open letter to Graham in the Washington Post.

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The Saudi puzzle: Here are four religion threads woven into this sordid political drama

(OPINION) There are several more religion stories to be told surrounding the murder of the former Washington Post op-ed writer Jamal Khashoggi.

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Do Journalists Know The Details? Egypt's Ancient Coptic Community Is Used To Being Attacked

EGYPT -- Any list of the embattled Christian communities in the Middle East would start with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt and the Eastern Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus. It is also important to know that there are other small, but important, Christian communities in Egypt, Syria, and other lands in the region.

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