(REVIEW) Bryan Johnson went viral several times before the recent release of his Netflix documentary “Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever.” The title says enough about his goal and the source of his virality — but his story, of course, goes deeper than his obsession with extending his lifespan.
Read More(REVIEW) It appears at first glance that “Heretic” is using religion merely as a springboard for horror, as movies often do. But “Heretic” has much more on offer, making for a surprisingly thoughtful and in-depth study about the nature of religion and faith.
Read More(EXCERPT) My purpose in writing “Motorhome Prophecies” is to help bring others out of isolation. To let them know that "death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). My father prophesied my death if I left his cult. I internalized those curses, and as a result, suffered many close scrapes with the demons of mental illness. But to quote author Linda Schubert, “While my failures were ‘legendary,’ the love of God was even more legendary.”
Read More(OPINION) How do Latter-day Saints view the polygamy in their faith's past? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon church, was founded in 1830 by the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr., who later began practicing and advocating polygamy, a controversial teaching.
Read More(OPINION) Media eyes are trained on the U.S. Supreme Court's Dec. 1 argument on Mississippi's abortion restrictions, preceded by a fast-tracked Nov. 1 hearing about the stricter law in Texas. But don't neglect the Court's Dec. 8 hearing and subsequent decision on tax funding of religious schools in the potentially weighty Carson v. Makin case.
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