Posts in Opinion
Confronting Misinformation With Kindness

(OPINION) Misinformation has become an avalanche, burying us all in conspiracy theories, doctored images, and most recently, false claims about the Israel-Hamas war. It challenges us because our decisions as individuals and as a society are only as solid as the information we base them on. How do we make decisions that are good for ourselves and for our communities when misinformation pervades the news and information we consume?

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🍼 Amid New Challenges For Pro-Lifers, March For Life Expected To Draw 100,000 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights plans for the annual March for Life, expected to draw 100,000 abortion opponents to the nation’s capital. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Is It Time To Rename The Southern Baptist Convention?

(OPINION) With all that’s going on in The Southern Baptist Convention, one matter is being ignored. But given the current squabbles and embarrassments, this would seem a good time for the denomination to rebrand itself with a new name. For starters, the “Southern” monicker is no longer accurate. Then there’s unfortunate history to overcome in which the name is enmeshed with slavery.

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🐘 Defining The Iowa Evangelicals Who Support Trump: Is Going To Church A Requirement? 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in focuses on the evangelicals supporting Donald Trump in the Iowa caucuses. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Enough Already with the Pro-Trump Prophecies!

(OPINION) My issue with Donald Trump supporters is not political at all. It is spiritual. It is prophetic. It is about the honor of the Lord and the reputation of the Spirit. It is about credibility. And if there is a prophetic word that God is speaking now about the 2024 elections, it is simply this: “Enough already with the Donald Trump prophecies!”

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5 Great Plans For Reading The Bible This Year

(OPINION) Last year, I wrote about the troubling findings from American Bible Society’s annual “State of the Bible” report. Every study since 2011 has shown that Bible users accounted for around 50% of American adults. However, in 2022, things changed. There was a sudden 10% decrease in Bible users, indicating that “nearly 26 million Americans reduced or stopped their interaction with Scripture in the past year.”

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Some True Believers In Every Movement Gravitate Toward Fundamentalism

(OPINION) I’ve long predicted that eventually scientists will identify a fundamentalist gene inherent in some people, just as some folks have biological predispositions toward intelligence, heart disease or tallness. Researchers will find this gene blocks its carriers from perceiving philosophical grays, much less a full-color spectrum. Such people have, in effect, spiritual color-blindness. They see everything in stark blacks and whites; they can’t help it.

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The Religion Guy (As Usual) Dissents Somewhat On Votes For 2023 Top Religion Stories

(OPINION) When it comes to religion news, what ultimately mattered in 2023? The Guy observes that we have no idea whether U.S. hatreds are a temporary sickness that will subside, or whether anything can really alter the essential questions in the decades-long Middle East conflict. Thus, The Guy leans toward the importance of permanent changes in direction as depicted below.

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The Tacit Preaching Of Christian Painters Draws Us To Experience Advent More Deeply

(OPINION) Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI declared that “art and the saints are the greatest apologetic for our faith.” A movement was launched to transform painters into “tacit preachers,” wrote Gabriele Paleotti, archbishop of Bologna. The term tacit means wordless. Tacit preachers sought to move viewers in deeper ways than mere argument. Art provided a way to draw people together instead of tearing them apart.

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War, Always With Us, Just Gets Worse

(OPINION) October’s terrorist attack by Hamas and Israel’s overwhelming response unleashed a humanitarian nightmare that’s gripped the world. Real-time images flood our electronic devices. War shapes our lives, sometimes encouraging violence, verbal and physical. Outside war zones, ordinary citizens find ourselves drawn into taking sides. How can we create a better future for our children, ourselves — even for those we don’t know?

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🗳️ Ballots Are In: Check Out The Top 10 Religion Stories of 2023 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the top religion news of 2023, as voted by the Religion News Association. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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