This week’s Weekend Plug-in details the latest on the fatal shootings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) While Canterbury is urging Anglicans to keep “walking together,” the 2022 Lambeth Conference demonstrated that many of the Anglican Communion’s bishops can no longer even receive the Eucharist together because of conflicts over sexuality.
Read More(OPINION) Gambling addictions are as real as drug and alcohol addictions, and in their own unique way, they can be just as destructive. That’s why the rise of sports-related gambling has gotten my attention. It really is everywhere.
Read More(OPINION) Being old doesn’t feel much different from being middle-aged. I’d always expected something dramatic. A grand demarcation. Instead, I’m pretty much doing what I’ve done forever. But when you’re old, you may have 20 wonderful years left or 20 minutes. You wake up in the morning, cross yourself (even if you’re not Catholic) and pray for the best.
Read More(OPINION) Religious and political ethics lecturer Andrew DeCort writes extensively on the issues Ethiopia is facing with the expressed interest to be a bridge-builder. While I applaud his passion for being a bridge-builder and advocating for peace, I disagree, particularly, with his bold claim that “Christian nationalism is tearing Ethiopia apart.”
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in offers five takeaways from Kansas voters’ surprising decision not to remove the right to abortion from the state’s Constitution. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines from the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Through it all, American activist and Mennonite theologian Ronald J. Sider refused to compromise on core Christian doctrines and warned believers to be realistic about what political warfare can, and cannot, accomplish.
Read More(OPINION) Progressive Christianity may call itself Christian, may espouse many excellent causes based on the ethical teachings of Jesus, and may even reveal blindspots and failings among conservative Christians. But it is not, itself, Christian. It has progressed beyond (and outside of) the word of God.
Read More(OPINION) The preacher as political powerbroker is much more rare than many might think. In fact, one political scientist argues that most ministers from the right, left and center intentionally dodge political topics. That’s not because they fear the Internal Revenue Service but because they’re concerned about their careers and congregants.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights Pope Francis’ trip to Canada to apologize to Indigenous peoples for abuses at church-run residential schools. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) People are going to let you down. Everybody is going to let you down. Your friends will let you down. Christians will let you down. Your parents will let you down. Even your spouse will let you down. But we can reach out, even through our pain, and offer forgiveness and mercy and love.
Read More(OPINION) In the Bible, does St. Peter call women the “weaker sex”? Jackson Wu, an evangelical theologian with the Global Training Network, raised the question about 1 Peter 3:7. Wu complains that the physical strength explanation “has often been used” to “subtly affirm the inferiority of women.” But some translations include a different interpretation in the text.
Read More(OPINION) In terms of religious messages, the MCU has come a long way since Captain America, after hearing Loki described as a god, said, “There’s only one God ... and I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that.” The New Rockstars YouTube channel counted 50-plus gods in “Thor: Love and Thunder” alone.
Read More(OPINION) Teachers and coaches are excellent at helping kids learn math or tackling. They’re lousy at altering kids’ sexual orientation or their eternal destination. They don’t change who we fundamentally are. In the big matters, you’re dealing with three other influences: genes, parents and peers.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in previews Pope Francis’ trip to Canada to apologize to the nation's Indigenous peoples for abuses at Catholic-run residential schools. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) It’s hard to read the Book of Psalms without encountering references to justice, judgment, the widow, the refugee, the oppressed and enemies or questions posed to God. Yet, these themes are mostly absent from modern worship music.
Read More(ANALYSIS) There will be much we need to unpack in the days, weeks and years to come in this post-Roe era. In this moment, perhaps we can recognize that no one side owns the human spirit. Seeking the sacred in that which we hold dear, whether it is protecting the pre-born or advancing women’s well-being, or both, is an innate part of being human.
Read More(OPINION) It occurred to me recently that I couldn’t remember even one piece among the thousands I’ve read that touched on the central factor that helped me become a practicing Christian long ago and has kept me in the fold since. I’m speaking of the sheer, inexplicable, even ecstatic joy at the heart of the Christian faith. It’s a joy I’d never experienced before, never knew existed, until I became a practicing disciple.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in catches up with the top headlines and best reads in the world of faith, from the first images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to the latest happenings in the war in Ukraine.
Read More(OPINION) The past half-dozen years have been nuts — and have driven a lot of otherwise normal, good-hearted folks nuts. But there will always be cycles of good times and crises, and faith can get us through the difficult periods.
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