Posts in Opinion
Religious freedom is central to the Epiphany (and condemns the Capitol violence)

(OPINION) This season of Epiphany, which we are now in, affords us the opportunity to honor Christ’s manifestation and ministry in the world. Epiphanytide invites us to reflect on the role of religious freedom and religious literacy in Christ’s manifestation to the world. This is perhaps even more relevant in light of the Capitol violence last week.

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The Solution to Christian Nationalism? Better Theology

(OPINION) To combat a plague of Christian nationalism, seen on display in the recent Capitol violence, Christian leaders should teach the right Christian theology: that Christians should never seek to have the government privilege one religious group over another, God gives good ideas to all people, not only Christians, and our advocacy in the public square should not pretend everyone believes the Bible.

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Capitol Violence Calls Us To Recommit To Redeeming Institutions, Not Tearing Them Down

(OPINION) The violence at the Capitol on Wednesday was a horrific assault on our essential democratic institutions, but it calls attention to the importance of sustaining the institutions of government, even when those institutions themselves are flawed.

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The role of religion in President Donald Trump's tragic last stand

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the key religion angles related to Wednesday’s violence by a pro-Trump insurrectionist mob at the U.S. Capitol. Plus, check out all the week’s top reads in the world of faith.

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Massachusetts Court to rule on whether professors at religious colleges can have 'ministerial exemptions'

(OPINION) The high court’s ruling on whether Gordon College, an evangelical school, can require its professors to adhere to its doctrinal statement on LGBTQ relationships could have nationwide impacts. The arguments hinge on whether professors at religious institutions qualify for “ministerial exemption” from workplace anti-discrimination laws because of their role in faith formation of the students.

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Why Christian Faith Led A California Philanthropist To The YIMBY Movement

(OPINION) After I became a Christian in 1973, in my early 20s, I lost interest in politics for a while, because there were new spiritual dimensions of reality to investigate and map. But around 1978 something awakened my interest again. That was the campaign in Santa Ana, Calif., to run the Rescue Mission out of town. I realized that a lot of land use law in our country is based on a not very Christian concept of who is “undesirable neighbors.”

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Why Do U.S. Politicians Oftentimes Neglect to Mention Religious Genocide?

(OPINION) The issue of genocide outside of the U.S. borders has been persisting for years in countries like Cambodia, Bosnia and Rowanda. There is a blatant disregard in the U.S. to understand and get involved, leading to very little preventative action before the genocide begins.

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Remembering Persecuted Christians at Christmas

(OPINION) In some countries, the lack of religious freedom and the threat of Christian persecution casts a dark shadow across Christmas festivities and celebrations. It is not unusual for fanatical, iron-fisted governments to make the Advent season a time of intensified fear and real danger. Many Christians, despite their faith and devotion, have little opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

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Fights over First Amendment rights will likely top religion beat agenda in 2021

(OPINION) Ongoing fights about the First Amendment and religious liberty are likely to prove the most newsworthy, but two other themes deserve attention as well.

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A Skeptic’s Take on a Nun’s Vocation To Serve The Poor Regardless of Risks

(OPINION) Evaluating Catholic nuns and their projects to help the poor dampened the cynicism of a skeptic and lapsed Episcopalian who studies religion. Sister Rosemary is one such nun who has devoted her life to sheltering and empowering women and children who fled violence in Uganda.

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Stay home or go to church? Believers face tough choices this Christmas

(OPINION) Rather than preparing for a joyous Christmastide, believers are making tough decisions about how to celebrate during a season some call COVID-tide. No one knows what will happen, especially in Protestant flocks where holiday traditions are more flexible and evolve from year to year.

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