Posts in Architecture
Britain’s Faith Museum And 6,000 Years Of History: Renaissance Amid The Coal Mines

The Faith Museum will explore how religion has shaped lives and communities across Britain throughout history. Religion Unplugged contributor Dr. Jenny Taylor meets the wealthy financier who is turning a semi-derelict English mining town into an international showcase of art and faith. Part of the outcome of all this investment is the opening of the museum on Oct. 6.

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Uganda’s High Court Paves Way For Watoto Church To Construct Modern Complex

The High Court in Uganda overturned a decision by the government to categorize the Watoto Church property in Kampala as a heritage site, which had blocked the owners from redeveloping it into a modern church complex.

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The Making And Premiere Of ‘Fiat Lux’: A Radiant Oratorio For A Cathedral Suffused With Light

(REVIEW) The encore performance at Christ Cathedral of “Fiat Lux” was billed as “Pacific Symphony & Pacific Chorale in concert with Paul Jacobs,” and the opening pieces were programmed to additionally celebrate the refurbishment of the cathedral’s Hazel Wright Organ, the fifth-largest pipe organ in the world.

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How Are Houses of Worship Like Retail Stores? Changing Channels Of Distribution

(OPINION) Houses of worship are in decline. One reason is Americans’ waning interest in religious institutions. Another may be the change in consumer behavior away from the “average” and toward the large, the online and the small but specialized. Houses of worship can develop hope by learning from the experiences of the retail, financial-services and health care industries.

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Sir James MacMillan’s Masterpiece ‘Fiat Lux’ Finally Takes The Stage In California

If you live in or near Orange County, California — or can be there June 15, 16, 17 or 20 — you might want to attend one of the premiere performances of “Fiat Lux” (Latin for “Let there be light”)  by Sir James MacMillan, a work for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, organ and orchestra based on a five-part libretto by poet Dana Gioia.

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Discovering Bangalore’s Multifaceted Identity Through Its Churches

(TRAVEL) It's a city of contrasts, where vestiges from the colonial era are juxtaposed with cutting-edge technological advancements. Amid this dynamic backdrop, Bangalore’s churches stand out as remarkable symbols of the city’s diverse cultural and religious tapestry. Each church tells a distinct story of architectural splendor intertwined with a deep spiritual heritage.

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Inside The Treasure Of San Gennaro: Unveiling The Secrets Of Naples’ Religious Relics

One of the most majestic displays of religious art a visitor can find in Naples — if not anywhere in the Catholic world — is known as the “Treasure of San Gennaro.” Located in Naples’ historic city center (which is also famous for artisans and nativity scenes), the area has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Museum Of The Bible Offers Up Faith, History and Easter Activities

Washington, D.C.’s Museum of the Bible is fascinating for Christians of all denominations and even for people who identify with another faith tradition. The museum — in addition to highlighting Hebrew texts and the time Jesus lived — also integrates how the Bible and Christianity have influenced American culture and society since the early 1600s to the present.

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An Irish Craftsman's Work Comes to Life in The Windows Of NJ's St. Vincent de Paul Church

The windows keep drawing your eyes to study the images. The telling, minute details — lines in a beard, expressions on faces — are detailed in ways that make other stained glass windows seem dull. The color palate is more brilliant - like an LED screen from the 2000s rather than the picture tube technology from the 1980s. Instead of pastel colors found in other stained glass works, these hold bold, rich jewel tones.

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New York’s St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church An Ode to Greek Immigration

(ESSAY) It’s impossible not to notice St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in case you pass by the  World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. That’s not because it is particularly tall — especially near a much taller buildings that define New York City’s essence — but because something just profoundly sets it apart from the city’s usual mundane, gray backdrop.

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The World’s Largest Mud-Brick Building Is A Mosque Rebuilt Every Year

The world's largest mud-brick structure is one of the most iconic structures in both Islamic and African architectural history. The community of Djenne, home to approximately 40,000 residents, sits near the Ban River. That river allowed the grand mosque to be built from a resource that is both local and sustainable: calcite-rich mud. 

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